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October 4th, 2024
2024 Champion Spotlight: Voronika 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    A young Eladrin woman, raised to be the Queen of Koshmarr, what was meant to be an idyllic life took a dark turn on the night of her wedding. Pulled into the machinations of greater powers, she found herself in Mordent, now one of the many wandering ghosts. A person of great interest both to Azalin Rex and Strahd, she sought to negotiate her freedom from these dread domains. Her longtime companions and their newfound friends wanted the same and imbued her soul into Desmond’s sword. As they traveled in search of returning her soul to her body, Voronika took matters into her own hands and used the Crown of the Raven Queen to defeat Zybilna and cause the fall of Prismeer. This action drew the mists to Voronika and soon she discovered herself a new darklord in her domain of Koshmarr.
Voronika has received a significant rework to help streamline and simplify her overall design. For details about Voronika's updated design, read on...


Female (she/her)
Chaotic Evil
Elf (Eladrin)
Black Dice Society
Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until October 9th, 2027)


Basic Attack

  • Produce Flame (magic) - Voronika creates a flame in her hand which she fires at a random enemy. If Voronika has achieved her Darklord form, the target is lit on fire and takes 1 second of BUD damage every second for 5 seconds.

Passive Abilities

  • Wed, then Undead - After being killed on her wedding night, Voronika became a ghost. The following rules apply:
    • Voronika can be attacked like normal and she can be "killed", at which point it stops granting all effects like any dead Champion would.
    • Voronika counts as "undead" for the purposes of effects that care about dead Champions (Desmond), but "alive" for all other purposes. She still counts as undead even after reaching her Darklord form.

Formation Abilities

  • Puppet Master - Voronika claims the BUD-setting Champion as her Puppet. The damage of her chosen Puppet is increased by 100%. Voronika only changes her Puppet if a different Champion is the BUD-setting Champion for more than 30 seconds in a row. Voronika's Puppet gains the Black Dice Society affiliation.
  • Calculating Guidance - Voronika increases the damage of all Champions in one column in front of her by 100%. Voronika's key allies are members of the Black Dice Society. The effect of this ability is increased by 100% for each key ally in the formation. This stacks additively until Voronika completes her Search for the Crown, when it changes to stack multiplicatively.
  • Search for the Crown - Voronika's search for the Crown of the Raven Queen requires her to complete 3 goals. When Voronika completes all 3 goals, she acquires the crown, transforms into her Darklord Form, unlocks her ultimate attack, and improves her base attack. Her goals include:
    • Voronika reaches level 750
    • Use 50 Ultimate Attacks with other Champions
    • One additional goal unlocked by her first Specialization choice.
  • Speed Run - The effect of Puppet Master is increased by 10,000%. This value multiplicatively decreases by 10% five minutes after the adventure starts and decreases by another 10% for every minute after that, but doesn't decrease after Voronika has completed her Search for the Crown.
  • Ultimate Power - Voronika increases the effect of Calculating Guidance by 0.1% for each use of an Ultimate while she is in the formation, stacking multiplicatively. Caps at 100,000 stacks. These stacks persist until reset.

Specializations A

  • Embrace Evil - For the third Quest for the Crown goal, Calculating Guidance's key allies must kill 2,500 enemies. The key allies for Calculating Guidance now also include Champions who have the Evil alignment.
  • Hunt The Favored - For the third Quest for the Crown goal, you must kill 500 enemies who are the Favored Foe of any Champion in the formation. The key allies for Calculating Guidance now also include Champions who have a Favored Foe.
  • Weaken The Fools - For the third Quest for the Crown goal, you must apply 1750 Debuffs to enemies. The key allies for Calculating Guidance now also include Champions who have the Debuff role.

Specializations B

  • Battle Magic - Voronika's Puppet additionally casts an explosive magic missile at a random target after each attack which deals 1000% of their normal damage to all enemies in a small area.
  • Powerful Focus - Voronika's Puppet has all of their incoming positional damage effects increased by 75%, and their basic attack now knocks back any enemies it hits a short distance.
  • Strike First, Strike Hard - Voronika's Puppet attacks 1.0 seconds faster and their damage is increased by 150% for each Champion adjacent to them, stacking multiplicatively.

Ultimate Ability

  • Horrifying Visage - Voronika moves in front of the party, magically pushing back all monsters a short distance, especially the ones in front. All enemies take ultimate damage, and then all surviving enemies deal 90% less damage for 30 seconds. In addition, the boss/enemy enrage timer fills 200% slower for 30 seconds.


Global DPS buff
Puppet Master buff
Calculating Guidance buff
Ultimate Power buff
Speed Run buff
Ultimate Cooldown


  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%
  • Explorer of Nightmares
    Increases the effect of Voronika's Puppet Master ability by 20%
  • A Finger on the Scale
    Increases the effect of Voronika's Calculating Guidance ability by 20%
  • Dreamscape Walk
    Increases the effect of Voronika's Speed Run ability by 20%
  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%
  • Koshmarr's Embrace
    Increases the effect of Voronika's Puppet Master ability by 40%
  • Shaped By My Will
    Increases the effect of Voronika's Calculating Guidance ability by 40%
  • Nightmarish Sprint
    Increases the effect of Voronika's Speed Run ability by 40%
  • Strength of Will
    Increases the effect of Voronika's Ultimate Power ability by 40%
  • Skilled Puppeteer
    Increases the effect of Voronika's Battle Magic, Powerful Focus, and Strike First, Strike Hard abilities by 40%
  • Keen Mind
    Increases the Intelligence score of Voronika by 1
  • Calculated Movements
    Increases the base effect of Speed Run by 900%, increases the reduction to 20%, and the effect amount starts reducing at 1 minute.
    Available in the new Vampire Hunter Voronika Theme Pack or for 50,000 Gems.
  • Master Puppeteer
    Increases the effect of Voronika's Battle Magic, Powerful Focus, and Strike First, Strike Hard abilities by 80%
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Kindred Allies
    Adds Elves to Calculating Guidance's key allies.
    Unlockable as an Event Reward
  • Prodigal Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 50%
  • Dark Lady
    Increases the effect of Voronika's Calculating Guidance ability by 80%
  • Extended Support
    Changes Calculating Guidance to target the next two columns.
  • Unlimited Potential
    Increases the effect of Voronika's Ultimate Power ability by 80%

We Want YOUR Feedback

What do you think about Voronika's rework? Will you find a place for this Darklord of Koshmarr in your formations?

Your feedback is important to us, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

April 3rd, 2024
Idle Champions: Greengrass 7 
Posted in Idle Champions.

A great cosmic conflict has spilled out upon the prime material plane.

While celebrations to mark the start of spring begin in the quaint Sword Coast town of Triboar, a Githyanki raiding party descents from above, raining destruction.

It's up to the Champions to defend the innocent and figure out what has drawn the attention of the Gith and their Endless War. It's time for Greengrass 7!

Greengrass 7 has arrived! It introduces Gale, the Human Wizard from the 2023 Game of the Year - Baldur's Gate 3. This Support Champion brings the might of Mystra to the Absolute Adversaries and your formations! It also reintroduces Penelope "Half-Pint", the Halfling Druid from the Heroes of the Planes. You can learn more about the rework to Penelope below. Also, you can choose three of eight previous Champions to unlock over the course of Greengrass 7!

As a reminder: Adventure Variant information can now be found in the corresponding Champion's Spotlight. This change is being made so that all information about a Champion and their adventures can be found in one place.

Table of Contents


Dungeons & Dragons Gale

    Gale of Waterdeep was a prodigious archmage, his talents earning him the attention of Mystra, the goddess of magic. At her side, he learned all that mortals might accomplish with the Weave, in time earning his place as her lover, and her Chosen. And yet, he was not satisfied. In an attempt to prove he was ready for even greater power, he accidentally unleashed 'the orb' - a highly volatile fragment of pure Weave, corrupted by Netherese magic, which buried itself in his chest. Cast out by Mystra, humbled by his downfall, he does all he can to prevent the orb's cataclysmic detonation, watching for his chance to get back everything he lost, and more.

Gale is a support champion that buffs Champions in the two columns ahead of him and debuffs monsters the first time he attacks them. Gale will have access to all of Elminster's Patron adventures and variants, and is ready to be unlocked in the first seat opposite Bruenor.

Learn more about Gale in our Champion Spotlight!


Dungeons & Dragons Penelope Half-Pint

    Penelope "Half-Pint" is a halfling who just wants to be everyone's best friend, even if they are evil, or a plant, or a rock. With friends that already include a treant named Neverember and a clan of chwinga that have adopted her, Penelope is ready for anything! She has the heart of a true hero and will always stand by her friends...until she goes into shrub mode of course.

Penelope is a Support, Gold Find, and Healing Champion who focuses on crowd control by slowing and debuffing enemies. She'll have her insect friends ready for when you swap her with Arkhan in seat 12.

Learn more about the changes coming to Penelope in our Reintroduction Spotlight!

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This pool of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:

  • Orkira (Seat 1)
  • Spurt (Seat 3)
  • Antrius (Seat 4)
  • Gazrick (Seat 7)

  • Catti-brie (Seat 7)
  • Nrakk (Seat 8)
  • Aila (Seat 9)
  • Melf (Seat 12)

New Patron: Elminster

Dungeons & Dragons Elminster

The Sage of Shadowdale himself, Elminster Aumar, is the newest Patron in Idle Champions! Elminster joins Zariel, Mirt the Moneylender, Vajra Safahr, and Count Strahd von Zarovich as the fifth Patron. To unlock Elminster you'll first need to complete 250 Adventure Variants and unlock 100 Champions. Once you've done that it will cost 100,000 Gems and 10,000 Currency from the first four Patrons.

Elminster has agreed to be the Champion's patron, but only for the newest Champions! A Champion must have been released or reworked in an event in the last 3 years (including evergreens) to be used.

Elminster Patron Shop

With a new Patron, comes a slew of new shop items! In addition to the normal Patron shop items, Elminster's shop will contain feats and skins for the 3 Champions who are always eligible for his variants: Gale, The Dark Urge, and Dungeon Master, a new exclusive familiar, and a GE Potion! Dungeons & Dragons Patron Store

Elminster Feat Details

Dungeon Master:
  • Rare Feat to increase the age of his Patience Young Ones! ability by 5 years.
  • Epic Feat to increase his Disappearing Act ability by 80%

  • The Dark Urge:
  • Rare Feat to increase his Embrace/Resist the Urge specializations by 40%
  • Epic Feat to increase his damage by 120%

  • Gale:
  • Rare Feat to increase his An Experienced Sage ability by 40%
  • Epic Feat to change Gale's alignment to Neutral Good

  • Events 2.0

    Event Changes

    Events 2.0 is a significant update to the events system in Idle Champions. Because players will now be able to unlock more Champions, content, and rewards through Events 2.0, we are increasing the duration of events from 12 days to 21 days. Events will typically begin on the first Wednesday of each month and run for three weeks. Content updates for Idle Champions will occur on the Wednesdays outside events.

    Along with the Event duration change we are reducing the number of annual events, shifting from 17 annual events down to 12. Long term, we plan to retire the Midwinter, Greengrass, The Running, Midsummer, and Brightswords events. However, as we transition over to the new Event 2.0 schedule, there will be a Greengrass event in April 2024.

    Quality of Life Updates

    As part of the Events 2.0 update, we are also making several quality of life updates:
    • Bounty Contracts used outside of events will award Event Tokens for the next event.
    • Event adventures, variants, and free plays no longer cost Event Tokens to start.
    • Event Tokens are now only used to purchase Event Chests directly (free plays no longer need to be grinded to obtain extra chests).
    • Event Tokens left over once an event ends will automatically be converted to Champion chests.
    • Retired Champions may come out of retirement.
    • Event Boons are granted to players who purchase specially marked event-related DLC during an event. There are four tiers of Event Boons that offer buffs to Champion Damage, Gold Find, Champion Health, Click Damage, and Speed. These buffs increase with each tier of Event Boon. Additionally, the first purchase that grants an Event Boon will also unlock the Supporter Slot.

    To learn more about what is changing with Events 2.0 check out our Blog Post! Join our amazing community with any of the links below:
    March 6th, 2024
    Idle Champions: Festival of Fools 7 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    How far would you go to celebrate foolishness?

    Festival of Fools is a time-honored tradition in Sword Coast communities. Townsfolk engage in the usual gluttonous consumption of food and drink during the festivities, but they also play pranks on each other.

    Unfortunately, one prankster has decided to play a practical joke on a Frost Giant nearby...

    Festival of Fools 7 is our first Events 2.0! It introduces The Dark Urge, the Dragonborn Sorcerer from the 2023 Game of the Year - Baldur's Gate 3. This DPS Champion is ready to spread evil across the Forgotten Realms with the rest of the Absolute Adversaries. It also reintroduces Dhadius, the Human Wizard from the Betrayal at Baldur's Gate board game. You can learn more about the rework to Dhadius below. Also, you can choose three of eight previous Champions to unlock over the course of Festival of Fools 7!

    Note: Going forward, Adventure Variants information will now be found in the corresponding Champion's Spotlight. This change is being made so that all information about a Champion and their adventures can be found in one place.

    Table of Contents

    The Dark Urge

      The Dark Urge remembers nothing but a path paved with blood. Unimaginable cruelty whispers from within. Can he escape it? Would he even want to?

    The Dark Urge is a DPS Champion who counts the number of enemies he has slain. Like the other Absolute Adversaries, he has a mind flayer tadpole in his head, and his damage increases as more Champions with tadpoles are added to the formation. Will you choose to embrace his murderous urges, or fight against them? That choice will be made once you unlock them in seat 11 opposite Jamiliah.

    Learn more about The Dark Urge in our Champion Spotlight!


    Dungeons & Dragons Dhadius

      Dhadius is a mage of legendary status and least, in his own mind. Being an egomaniac, he seeks out esoteric lore and rare magical secrets so he may know things that the 'common fools' do not. Dhadius hails from Luskan in the north, where he is a member of the Arcane Brotherhood, an infamous group of wizards, and is determined to let it be known far and wide that he is a wizard to be respected and feared.

    Dhadius has been reworked to modernize his kit and give him some additional formation niches that he may be able to slot into. We've buffed up his abilities and altered his equipment so that his powerful magic is better utilized and encourages more experimentation. This glass cannon can be unlocked in seat 5 opposite Calliope.

    Learn more about the changes coming to Dhadius in our Reintroduction Spotlight!

    Flex Champions

    Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This pool of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This events Flex Slot pool includes:

    • K'thriss (Seat 1)
    • Regis (Seat 2)
    • Briv (Seat 5)
    • Alyndra (Seat 6)

    • Tatyana (Seat 8)
    • Rosie (Seat 10)
    • Strix (Seat 11)
    • Miria (Seat 12)

    Events 2.0

    Event Changes

    Events 2.0 is a significant update to the events system in Idle Champions. Because players will now be able to unlock more Champions, content, and rewards through Events 2.0, we are increasing the duration of events from 12 days to 21 days. Events will typically begin on the first Wednesday of each month and run for three weeks. Content updates for Idle Champions will occur on the Wednesdays outside events.

    Along with the Event duration change we are reducing the number of annual events, shifting from 17 annual events down to 12. Long term, we plan to retire the Midwinter, Greengrass, The Running, Midsummer, and Brightswords events. However, as we transition over to the new Event 2.0 schedule, there will be a Greengrass event in April 2024.

    Quality of Life Updates

    As part of the Events 2.0 update, we are also making several quality of life updates:
    • Bounty Contracts used outside of events will award Event Tokens for the next event.
    • Event adventures, variants, and free plays no longer cost Event Tokens to start.
    • Event Tokens are now only used to purchase Event Chests directly (free plays no longer need to be grinded to obtain extra chests).
    • Event Tokens left over once an event ends will automatically be converted to Champion chests.
    • Retired Champions may come out of retirement.
    • Event Boons are granted to players who purchase specially marked event-related DLC during an event. There are four tiers of Event Boons that offer buffs to Champion Damage, Gold Find, Champion Health, Click Damage, and Speed. These buffs increase with each tier of Event Boon. Additionally, the first purchase that grants an Event Boon will also unlock the Supporter Slot.

    To learn more about what is changing with Events 2.0 check out our Blog Post! Join our amazing community with any of the links below:
    August 16th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Ahghairon's Day 6 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Each year the citizens of Waterdeep celebrate Ahghairon's Day, honoring the first Open Lord of Waterdeep and the founder of the Lords of Waterdeep. Common folk leave violets and effigies at Ahghairon's Tower and the House of Wonder, Lords toast Ahghairon and the Watchful Order, and Guildmasters offer toasts in the name of the Lords.

    For this year's festivities, the party has received an assignment from the Open Lord of Waterdeep, Laeral Silverhand and when the Open Lord calls, you must answer...

    Ahghairon's Day 6 brings Lae'zel, the Githyanki fighter from Baldur's Gate 3, and brings back Voronika, the Eladrin Druid from Black Dice Society and Prudence, the Chaotic Evil Tiefling Warlock of the Oxventurer's Guild. Players have until Monday, August 28th at 12PM PDT to complete their event unlocks and objectives.

    I. Lae'zel

      Lae'zel is a ferocious Githyanki warrior, mighty even by the standards of her mind flayer-hunting kind. Faced with transforming into the very monster she's sworn to destroy, Lae'zel must prove herself worthy of rejoining her people – if they don't execute her first.

    Lae'zel is a Support, Speed, and DPS Champion that can complete areas early when other Champions are defeating enemies. She increases the damage of Champions in her column, and her specialization choice defines what type of fighter she is. Once unlocked, you can find this Githyanki Fighter in Slot 2 opposite Celeste.

    For more information on Lae'zel and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Six Variants

    Together, We Might Survive - Help Laeral Silverhand track down a retired Open Lord with Lae'zel!
    • Lae'zel starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed.
    • Only Champions in Lae'zel's column (including her) can deal damage.
    • Getting to know Lae'zel: Lae'zel increases the damage of all champions in her column, including herself. Place your champions to best take advantage of this!
    • Reach Area 75.

    Speed Run - Help Laeral Silverhand track down a retired Open Lord while quickly defeating your foes!
    • Lae'zel starts in the formation with her Straight to the Point ability unlocked. She can't be moved or removed.
    • You may only use Champions with a base attack cooldown of 5 seconds or faster.
    • Getting to know Lae'zel: Lae'zel is impatient when facing weak foes. She'll occasionally skip the rest of an area when the enemies aren't challenging enough!
    • Reach Area 125.

    Destroy the Ghaik! - Help Laeral Silverhand track down a retired Open Lord with the help of the tastiest brains.
    • Lae'zel starts in the formation with her Lethal Coordination and Aberration Hunter abilities unlocked. She can't be moved or removed.
    • You may only use Champions with an Intelligence of 13 or higher.
    • A Mind Flayer spawns with each wave. They don't drop gold nor do they count for quest progress.
    • Getting to know Lae'zel: Aberrations like Mind Flayers are Lae'zel's favored foe. Her main buff increases as more of them spawn!
    • Reach Area 175.

    We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    March 15th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Festival of Fools 6 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    How far would you go to celebrate foolishness?

    Festival of Fools is a time-honored tradition in Sword Coast communities. Townsfolk engage in the usual gluttonous consumption of food and drink during the festivities, but they also play pranks on each other.

    Unfortunately, one prankster has decided to play a practical joke on a Frost Giant nearby...

    Festival of Fools 5 introduces Miria, the Shadar-kai Silvanesti Elf from the world of Krynn played by Mark Hulmes on Idle Champions Presents: Fury of the Black Rose. Festival of Fools also brings back Tatyana, fierce guardian of her friends and Alyndra Sarrbarand, Divination Wizard and Cleric of Oghma. Players have until Monday, March 27th at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Festival of Fools 6 unlocks and objectives.

    Check out Idle Champions Presents: Fury of the Black Rose below!


    Dungeons & Dragons Miria Key Art
      Miria Elithren is a Shadar-kai Silvanesti Elf from the world of Krynn. Born under an ill-omen of the Dark Moon, Nuitari, she had an unhappy childhood that caused her to flee her homeland and seek tutelage in advanced magical arts beyond Elven lands. After passing the Test of High Sorcery, she briefly allied with Lord Soth until he tried to turn Miria into an undead creature subservient to his will. Miria escaped Soth’s trap at the cost of the flesh and muscle of her right arm. Pursued by Soth for her arcane knowledge, Miria seeks to escape Krynn.

    Miria is a tanking and support Champion that protects the champions with her undead servants. Her necromantic powers captures the souls of defeated enemies, and she's always prepared for the worst with her clone replacements. Once unlocked, you can find this shadar-kai necromancer in Slot 12 (Arkhan).

    Dungeons & Dragons Miria

    For more information on Miria and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Six Variants

    • Adventure Variant 1: Born Under Nuitari - Miria starts in the formation. (Slot 4) She can be moved but not removed. Only champions next to Miria can deal damage.
      Complete Area 75.
    • Getting to know Miria: Miria increases the damage of Champions next to her. Place your damage dealing champions to take advantage of this!

    • Adventure Variant 2: The Knight of the Black Rose - Miria starts in the formation. (Slot 4) She can be moved but not removed.Miria's Zombie Bodyguards ability starts out unlocked.1-2 Skeleton Archers spawn with each wave. They don't drop gold nor count towards quest progress. In Boss areas, Lord Soth spawns and must also be defeated to progress.
      Complete Area 125.
    • Getting to know Miria: Miria summons zombies to protect the front of the formation, causing her to take some of their damage. Use healers to give her more longevity!

    • Adventure Variant 3: Festival of Favorites - Miria starts in the formation. (Slot 4) She can be moved but not removed. You may only use Champions that are Lawful, Unaffiliated, or have INT 15+.
      Complete Area 175.
    • Getting to Know Miria: Miria's specialization determines what types of Champions she works best with. Pick the choice that best fits your formation!

    New DLC

    Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance Miria

    Also launching with Miria is the Dragonlance Miria Theme Pack! This pack includes an unlock for Miria, the new Dragonlance Miria Skin, the Baby Death Dragon familiar, an Epic Feat for Miria, 1 Epic Potion of the Gem Hunter, and 16 Gold Miria Chests with 2 Guaranteed Shiny Equipment Cards.

    For information on previous years' variants, check out the Festival of Fools 5 blog. And if you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    January 27th, 2023
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Brother Uriah 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    It can be difficult to find faith in the domains of dread, and almost impossible to find a truly good person. Which is why Brother Uriah is absolutely exceptional, and a cherished member of the Black Dice Society! He is the final member of that affiliation to join Idle Champions, and brings his do-good nature to the roster during Grand Revel 6.

    I. Brother Uriah

    Dungeons & Dragons Uriah Midwinter
      Brother Uriah Macawber is a native of Ravenloft, born in the dread domain of Darkon under the iron rule of Azalin Rex. After a horrifying childhood encounter at the Carnival with the demonic entity known as The Caller, Uriah would embrace the worship of the goddess Ezra, Lady of the Mists, offering protection from the forces of darkness to all those in need. Upon joining with the other future members of The Black Dice Society, Uriah would go on to find friendship, true love, and dark truths about himself and his past.

    Brother Uriah is a Support and Healing Champion that completes the Black Dice Society affiliation. As a faithful Cleric of Ezra, Brother Uriah heals nearby champions as well as increasing their damage. In stressful situations, he becomes possessed by the spirit of Azalin Rex. While possessed, he increases the damage of Nahara and any Evil champions in the formation. Once unlocked, you can find this human cleric opposite Makos in Slot 9.

    II. Brother Uriah's Stats

    Race: Human Alignment: Lawful Good
    Class: Cleric Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: 33
    Affiliation: Black Dice Society

    STR: 10 DEX: 10 CON: 12
    INT: 12 WIS: 22 CHA: 15

    Role: Support, Healing
    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Zariel
    Slot: 9 (Makos)

    III. Brother Uriah's Design

    The Idle Champions community is very familiar with Mark Meer and the excellent work he does as an actor, voice over artist, and TTRPG player in a huge variety of places. He's also helped us bring Baeloth the Entertainer to life in the game as well as several seasons of Idle Champions Presents! But this is the first chance we've had to bring in a Champion he has created wholly himself.

    Dungeons & Dragons Fen

    Brother Uriah is designed to work well with the Black Dice Society affiliation, featuring multiple positional formation abilities for Valentine, a dead/escort synergy for Desmond, a buff for Nahara and evil champions, and is the first healer for the group. With Doomed in Darkon he increases the damage of Champions in his column and behind, while healing all Champions within two slots of him with Ezra's Embrace. After a while he succumbs to being In The Grip of Azalin Rex, who focuses on increasing the damage of Nahara as well as all evil Champions in the formation.

    There are two different books that Brother Uriah can choose from when picking a specialization. The Book of Exalted Deeds encourages the destruction of Undead and Fiends, making them his Favored Foes and buffing all Champion damage against them. But if he chooses the Book of Vile Darkness he'll further increase the damage bonus to Nahara and all evil Champions. Brother Uriah prefers to attack damaged enemies with Toll the Dead, and when a more Ultimate attack is necessary he will create a Blade Barrier that whirls across the screen, slashing at enemies with razor-sharp blades of magical energy!

    IV. Brother Uriah's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Toll the Dead - Brother Uriah points at a random enemy and deals one hit of magical damage. Brother Uriah prefers to attack enemies that are already damaged.

    Formation Abilities

    • Doomed in Darkon - Brother Uriah increases the damage of all Champions in his column and the column behind him by +100%.
    • Ezra's Embrace - Brother Uriah heals all champions within two slots for 5 health per second. This effect is increased by 25% for each formation slot containing a dead champion or an escort, stacking additively and applying multiplicatively.
    • In the Grip of Azalin Rex - After 100 normal attacks by Champions in the formation, Azalin Rex takes over Brother Uriah for 20 seconds. While controlled by Azalin Rex, Brother Uriah increases the damage of Nahara and all evil Champions by +1000%.


    • Book of Exalted Deeds - Brother Uriah reads from the Book of Exalted Deeds, making Undead and Fiends his Favored Foes and all Champions deal +200% damage to them.
    • Book of Vile Darkness - Azalin reads from the Book of Vile Darkness, increasing the effect of In the Grip of Azalin Rex by 100%.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Blade Barrier - Brother Uriah creates a wall of whirling, razor-sharp blades of magical energy to appear in front of the formation, quickly slides across the screen, ending close to where enemies are spawned. Each enemy that passes through the barrier (or has the barrier pass over) takes one hit of ultimate damage. The barrier lasts for 10 seconds after it reaches its final location. If an enemy is pushed back through it and/or walks through it a second time they take another hit.

    V. Brother Uriah's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global Damage
    Slot 2: Doomed in Darkon
    Slot 3: Ezra's Embrace
    Slot 4: In the Grip of Azlain Rex
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown


    The Black Dice Society affiliation is complete! Let us know how much you're enjoying Brother Uriah in your formations, and how well he's working with the rest of his companions, on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    January 11th, 2023
    Idle Champions: Midwinter 6 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Deadwinter Day has arrived once again in Longsaddle. While most citizens keep warm in their homes and exchange gifts to celebrate the midpoint of winter with friends and family, the Champions have been hired by the infamous Harpells to patrol the outskirts of town...

    Midwinter 6 introduces Fen, the Drow Dhampir Warlock from the Black Dice Society, and brings back Rust on the Habour, hydrophobic Tabaxi rogue and sometimes member of the Oxventure Guild, and Talin Uran, a Combat Wheelchair-using Tiefling Rogue. Players have until Monday, January 23rd at 12 PM Pacific to complete their Midwinter 6 unlocks and objectives.

    I. Fen

    Dungeons & Dragons Fen Midwinter
      This Drow Dhampir Warlock has a touch of mischief and sneakiness, but she's loyal to those she cares for and a fearsome opponent for those who have earned her hate. Above all else, everything Fen has done has been for Isolde's freedom. Now she needs a new purpose to fight for, and maybe she can find it among the Society.

    Fen is a DPS and Support Champion, and is the newest Black Dice Society member to join the formation. In addition to buffing the damage of Champions in her row, this Warlock/Rogue increases the attack speed of all Warlocks in the formation. Finally, she's keen to help you finish any Patron challenges you might still be facing. Once unlocked, you can find this Dhampir Drow in Slot 6 opposite Asharra.

    For more details on Fen and her abilities, check out her Champion Blog, or her Spotlight Video below!

    Year Six Variants

    • Adventure Variant 1: Mirtwinter Day - Patrol the outskirts of Longsaddle on Deadwinter Day with Mirt the Moneylender. Fen joins the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Mirt also joins the formation and only Champions in Mirt's column can deal damage.
      Complete Area 75.

    • Adventure Variant 2: The Wise and the Warlocks - Patrol the outskirts of Longsaddle on Deadwinter Day with the wisest of your Champions. Fen joins the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Vajra and redeemed Zariel also join the formation; they're here for moral support. You may only use Warlocks, Black Dice Society Champions, or Champions with WIS 15+.
      Complete Area 125.

    • Adventure Variant 3: Oh Great, More Mist! - Patrol the outskirts of Longsaddle on Deadwinter Day as the mists of Ravenloft envelop the city. Fen joins the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Since the weather is foggy, you can't use Champions with ranged attacks, except for Desmond. 1-2 zombies spawn with each wave; they don't drop gold or count toward quest progress. Strahd spawns as a second boss in each boss area and he must also be defeated to progress.
      Complete Area 175.

    If you have feedback to share, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!
    January 6th, 2023
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Fen 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    The mists of Ravenloft are full of stealthy hazards and creeping horrors. But this traveler from the Underdark is just mischievous and dangerous enough to survive!

    Fen left her home to protect her family, and arrived in the domains of dread to find a new one. She joins her companions from the Black Dice Society in the Idle Champions roster during Midwinter 6!

    I. Fen

    Dungeons & Dragons Fen Midwinter
      This Drow Dhampir Warlock has a touch of mischief and sneakiness, but she's loyal to those she cares for and a fearsome opponent for those who have earned her hate. Above all else, everything Fen has done has been for Isolde's freedom. Now she needs a new purpose to fight for, and maybe she can find it among the Society.

    Fen is a DPS and Support Champion, and is the newest Black Dice Society member to join the formation. In addition to buffing the damage of Champions in her column, this Warlock/Rogue increases the attack speed of all Warlocks in the formation. Finally, she's keen to help you finish any Patron challenges you might still be facing. Once unlocked, you can find this Dhampir Drow in Slot 6 opposite Asharra.

    II. Fen's Stats

    Race: Dhampir Drow Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Class: Warlock/Rogue Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 200
    Affiliation: Black Dice Society

    STR: 14 DEX: 14 CON: 16
    INT: 13 WIS: 12 CHA: 14

    Role: DPS, Support
    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel
    Slot: 6 (Asharra)

    Dungeons & Dragons Fen

    III. Fen's Design

    It's a rare treat to get the opportunity to work with a creator for several different characters, so we're thrilled to welcome Tanya DePass back to help us craft Fen from the The Black Dice Socity in Idle Champions! Previously we added her paladin Selise from the Rivals of Waterdeep, and she helped create Fenris the Dire Wolf Pup as a charity familiar. Outside of the work she has done with us, Tanya is the founder and Director of I Need Diverse Games, part of the development team behind Into The Mother Lands, and a prolific writer and consultant on a variety of projects.

    Fen likes to get the job done as quickly as possible, so she focuses on making warlocks like herself faster and more deadly. She increases the damage of herself and all the Champions in her column because she is Mischievous, but Dangerous. That effect is boosted for fellow wise Champions or those from the Black Dice Society as she says I've Got You, Friends. She helps anyone who has made a Warlock Pact by increasing their attack speed, and her Patron's Oath means patron challenge progress will happen faster.

    Depending on which Specialization Fen takes, she will focus on either her DPS or Support abilities. When the whole formation needs help, she'll call on the Shadows of the Underdark to imbue her blade with eldritch energy, increasing the effect of Mischievous, but Dangerous. If Fen embraces the Curse of the Dhampir she'll greatly boost her own damage. With her regular attack she darts out to slash at the closest enemies with her Pact Blade, and her Ultimate attack lets her take on her Form of Dread. Draconic wings sprout from her back and she leaps into the air to charge across the battlefield in a flurry of slashes and knockbacks!

    IV. Fen's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Pact Blade - Fen darts out to the closest enemy and slashes with her longsword, dealing 1 hit to all nearby enemies.

    Formation Abilities

    • Mischievous, but Dangerous - Fen increases the damage of all Champions, including herself, in her column by 100%.
    • Warlock Pact - Fen reduces the normal attack speed of all Warlocks, including herself, in the formation by 0.1 seconds for each point of Wisdom an adjacent Champion has above 10.
    • I've Got You, Friends - Fen increases the effect of Mischievous, but Dangerous by 100% for each Champion in the formation that is either a Black Dice Society affiliation member or has a Wisdom of 15+, stacking multiplicatively and then applying multiplicatively.
    • Patron's Oath - While Fen is in the formation and you are in a patron variant or free play, patron challenge progress made by her party is increased by 100%.


    • Shadows of the Underdark - Fen imbues her blade with eldritch energy, increasing the effect of Mischievous, but Dangerous by 100% and causing her normal attack to deal an additional 5 seconds of BUD based damage with each hit. Buffs of this ability increase the effect of Mischievous, but Dangerous.
    • Curse of the Dhampir - Fen embraces her Dhampir heritage and increases her damage by 1000%.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Form of Dread - Fen transforms into her dread form. She sprouts wings, leaps into the air, and charges directly across the screen, dealing one hit of ultimate damage to all enemies she passes and knocking them back a short distance.

    V. Fen's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Fen's DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Mischievous, but Dangerous
    Slot 4: I've Got You, Friends
    Slot 5: Specializations
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown


    The Black Dice Society has gained their stalwart Drow Dhampir and the whole affiliation grows stronger! Let us know how much you're enjoying Fen in your formations on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    August 10th, 2022
    Idle Champions: Ahghairon's Day 5 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    It's the day before Shieldmeet and the Open Lord of Waterdeep has gone missing. Nobody has seen Laeral Silverhand in days and it is imperative that she be found before the meeting with the Masked Lords begins.

    At the behest of the Blackstaff, the Champions are sent to discover what happened...

    Ahghairon's Day 5 introduces and brings back Prudence, the Chaotic Evil Tiefling Warlock of the Oxventurer's Guild, and Omin Dran, CEO and founder of Acquisitions Incorporated. Players have until Monday, August 22nd at 12PM PDT to complete their event unlocks and objectives.

    I. New Champion: Voronika

    Dungeons & Dragons Voronika Key Art
      This young Eladrin woman was raised to be the Queen of Koshmarr. What was meant to be an idyllic life took a dark turn when she was killed on the night of her wedding. But Voronika didn't let death stop her, even as she was pulled into the machinations of greater powers. Using her excellent intelligence and observational skills, as well as a lot of cunning and manipulation, she used the crown of the Raven Queen to defeat Zybilna and cause the fall of Prismeer. This action drew the mists to Voronika, and she became the new Darklord of her domain of Koshmarr.

    Voronika is a Support Champion that allies with evil Champions and members of the Black Dice Society. With help from her Inner Circle Champion, she ultimately must complete three goals to claim the Crown of the Raven Queen and transform into a Darklord. For more information on Voronika and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Five Variants

    • The Fringe of Society - Help Laeral Silverhand track down a retired Open Lord with limits on which Champions can deal damage.
      Voronika starts in your formation, and only Black Dice Affiliation members and Evil Champions can deal damage.
      Reach Area 75.

    • Ultimate Challenge - The search for the Open Lord continues by relying on Ultimate powers!
      Voronika starts in your formation, and Champions deal no damage unless at lease one Ultimate is on cooldown.
      Reach Area 125.

    • In Search of Power - A royal escort joins the search for the Open Lord!
      Voronika starts in your formation, and her base level-up cost is greatly reduced. She's joined by two Eladrin bodyguards, and additional Orc Fighters attack with each wave.
      Reach Area 175.

    See the in-game FAQ for more information!

    August 5th, 2022
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Voronika 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Achieving any goal while trapped in the mists of Ravenloft can be exceptionally difficult. But our next Champion has the cunning to get what she wants, even when Darklords and death stand in her way!

    Voronika has wandered the mists as a ghost, traveled the domains of dread imbued into a sword, and taken over the land of her youth. Now she joins her fellow Black Dice Society companions in the Idle Champions roster during Ahghairon's Day 5.

    I. Voronika

    Dungeons & Dragons Voronika Key Art
      This young Eladrin woman was raised to be the Queen of Koshmarr. What was meant to be an idyllic life took a dark turn when she was killed on the night of her wedding. But Voronika didn't let death stop her, even as she was pulled into the machinations of greater powers. Using her excellent intelligence and observational skills, as well as a lot of cunning and manipulation, she used the crown of the Raven Queen to defeat Zybilna and cause the fall of Prismeer. This action drew the mists to Voronika, and she became the new Darklord of her domain of Koshmarr.

    Voronika is a Support Champion that allies with evil Champions and members of the Black Dice Society. With help from her Inner Circle Champion, she ultimately must complete three goals to claim the Crown of the Raven Queen and transform into a Darklord. Once unlocked, you can swap this Eladrin Druid with Bruenor in slot 1.

    II. Voronika's Stats

    Race: Eladrin Alignment: Chaotic Evil
    Class: Druid Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 31
    Affiliation: Black Dice Society

    STR: 10 DEX: 18 CON: 18
    INT: 12 WIS: 23 CHA: 17

    Role: Support
    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel
    Slot: 1 (Bruenor)

    Dungeons & Dragons Voronika

    III. Voronika's Design

    We were thrilled to have Vee Mus'e join Codename Entertainment as our Partner & Talent Manager, and then to continue that work creating her character in Idle Champions! She has a notable presence in the D&D community as a professional Dungeon Master, writer, player, and mini painter, showing off her skills on our Twitch channel every Friday on Paint and Slay! Her YouTube channel has a wealth of resources, instructional videos, and advice for anyone wishing to learn more about crafting and mini painting, and you can enjoy her D&D performances on a multitude of shows, including The Black Dice Socity.

    Voronika's goal is to find the Crown of the Raven Queen, which will enable her to transform into her incredibly powerful Darklord form. To do this, she chooses one Champion to join her Inner Circle. Her Search for the Crown requires her to reach a high enough level, defeat many monsters while her Inner Circle Champion is part of the formation, and use enough Ultimates from any Champion. When her goals are complete and she acquires the crown, she becomes the Darklord of Koshmarr, increasing the damage of her Produce Flame, and unlocking her Horrifying Visage Ultimate attack!

    While she may be focused on her personal goals, Voronika also aids the formation with some Calculating Guidance, increasing the damage of all evil Champions and Black Dice Society members in the column in front of her. The more Ultimate attacks that are used, the stronger her Calculating Guidance becomes as the formation demonstrates their Ultimate Power. Her ghostly form reminds anyone who has effects that care about dead Champions that she was Wed, then Undead.

    All of this requires Voronika to select one Champion to become her focus. Her first Specialization offers three potential Inner Circle Champions to choose from, and once that Champion is picked they gain entry into the Black Dice Society. Voronika then uses her second Specialization to decide if she wants to Assist the Puppet and boost that Champion's power, or Dispose of the Fool and help others as she sends her chosen Champion away.

    IV. Voronika's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Produce Flame - Voronika creates a flame in her hand which she fires at a random enemy. If Voronika has achieved her Darklord form, the target is lit on fire and takes 1 second of BUD damage every second for 5 seconds.

    Formation Abilities

    • Wed, then Undead - After being killed on her wedding night, Voronika became a ghost. Voronika counts as "dead" for the purposes of effects that care about dead Champions, but "alive" for all other purposes. She still counts as "dead" even after reaching her Darklord form. She can be attacked like normal and she can be "killed", at which point she stops granting all effects like any dead Champion would.
    • Calculating Guidance - Voronika increases the damage of all Champions in one column in front of her by +100% for each Champion in the formation that is either a member of the Black Dice Society or Evil. This stacks additively until Voronika completes her Search for the Crown, when it changes to stack multiplicably.
    • Search for the Crown - Voronika's search for the Crown of Raven Queen requires her to complete 3 goals. When Voronika completes all 3 goals, she acquires the crown, transforms into her Darklord Form, unlocks her ultimate attack, and improves her base attack.
    • Ultimate Power - Voronika increases the effect of Calculating Guidance by +10% for each use of an Ultimate while she is in the formation, stacking additively and applied multiplicably. Caps at 1,000,000 stacks. These stacks persist until reset.


    Voronika's first specialization dynamically displays 3 potential Champions. The Champion chosen becomes a member of Voronika's Inner Circle.
    • Inner Circle - Voronika chooses a Champion to be her Inner Circle champion. They gain the Black Dice Society affiliation membership if they don't already have it. Voronika displays herself if there aren't enough choices.
    Voronika's second specialization offers benefits depending on if the Inner Circle Champion is kept in the formation, or removed.
    • Assist the Puppet - Voronika's Inner Circle Champion gets an increase depending on the Champions roles. Champions with multiple roles get all the benefits. Support will increase the effects of the Champion's positional formation abilities, DPS will have Calculating Guidance applied to them at all times, and applies twice if they're in the correct column, and Tanking Champions will have their overwhelm value increased by 10.
    • Dispose of the Fool - After Voronika has achieved her Darklord form, she increases the effect of Calculating Guidance by +100% while her Inner Circle Champion is not part of the formation.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Horrifying Visage - Voronika moves in front of the party, magically pushing back all monsters a short distance. All enemies take ultimate damage, and then all surviving enemies deal 90% less damage for 30 seconds. In addition, the boss/enemy enrage timer fills 200% slower for 30 seconds.

    V. Voronika's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Global DPS
    Slot 3: Calculating Guidance
    Slot 4: Ultimate Power
    Slot 5: Ultimate Attack Damage
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown


    Will you help Voronika on her quest for the crown? She offers many enticing rewards for Black Dice Society members, and the whole formation, if you do! Let us know on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord if you enjoyed aiding in the creation of a Darklord!