- A young Eladrin woman, raised to be the Queen of Koshmarr, what was meant to be an idyllic life took a dark turn on the night of her wedding. Pulled into the machinations of greater powers, she found herself in Mordent, now one of the many wandering ghosts. A person of great interest both to Azalin Rex and Strahd, she sought to negotiate her freedom from these dread domains. Her longtime companions and their newfound friends wanted the same and imbued her soul into Desmond’s sword. As they traveled in search of returning her soul to her body, Voronika took matters into her own hands and used the Crown of the Raven Queen to defeat Zybilna and cause the fall of Prismeer. This action drew the mists to Voronika and soon she discovered herself a new darklord in her domain of Koshmarr.

Female (she/her)
Chaotic Evil
Elf (Eladrin)
Black Dice Society
Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until October 9th, 2027)
Basic Attack
- Produce Flame (magic) - Voronika creates a flame in her hand which she fires at a random enemy. If Voronika has achieved her Darklord form, the target is lit on fire and takes 1 second of BUD damage every second for 5 seconds.
Passive Abilities
- Wed, then Undead - After being killed on her wedding night, Voronika became a ghost. The following rules apply:
- Voronika can be attacked like normal and she can be "killed", at which point it stops granting all effects like any dead Champion would.
- Voronika counts as "undead" for the purposes of effects that care about dead Champions (Desmond), but "alive" for all other purposes. She still counts as undead even after reaching her Darklord form.
Formation Abilities
- Puppet Master - Voronika claims the BUD-setting Champion as her Puppet. The damage of her chosen Puppet is increased by 100%. Voronika only changes her Puppet if a different Champion is the BUD-setting Champion for more than 30 seconds in a row. Voronika's Puppet gains the Black Dice Society affiliation.
- Calculating Guidance - Voronika increases the damage of all Champions in one column in front of her by 100%. Voronika's key allies are members of the Black Dice Society. The effect of this ability is increased by 100% for each key ally in the formation. This stacks additively until Voronika completes her Search for the Crown, when it changes to stack multiplicatively.
- Search for the Crown - Voronika's search for the Crown of the Raven Queen requires her to complete 3 goals. When Voronika completes all 3 goals, she acquires the crown, transforms into her Darklord Form, unlocks her ultimate attack, and improves her base attack. Her goals include:
- Voronika reaches level 750
- Use 50 Ultimate Attacks with other Champions
- One additional goal unlocked by her first Specialization choice.
- Speed Run - The effect of Puppet Master is increased by 10,000%. This value multiplicatively decreases by 10% five minutes after the adventure starts and decreases by another 10% for every minute after that, but doesn't decrease after Voronika has completed her Search for the Crown.
- Ultimate Power - Voronika increases the effect of Calculating Guidance by 0.1% for each use of an Ultimate while she is in the formation, stacking multiplicatively. Caps at 100,000 stacks. These stacks persist until reset.
Specializations A
- Embrace Evil - For the third Quest for the Crown goal, Calculating Guidance's key allies must kill 2,500 enemies. The key allies for Calculating Guidance now also include Champions who have the Evil alignment.
- Hunt The Favored - For the third Quest for the Crown goal, you must kill 500 enemies who are the Favored Foe of any Champion in the formation. The key allies for Calculating Guidance now also include Champions who have a Favored Foe.
- Weaken The Fools - For the third Quest for the Crown goal, you must apply 1750 Debuffs to enemies. The key allies for Calculating Guidance now also include Champions who have the Debuff role.
Specializations B
- Battle Magic - Voronika's Puppet additionally casts an explosive magic missile at a random target after each attack which deals 1000% of their normal damage to all enemies in a small area.
- Powerful Focus - Voronika's Puppet has all of their incoming positional damage effects increased by 75%, and their basic attack now knocks back any enemies it hits a short distance.
- Strike First, Strike Hard - Voronika's Puppet attacks 1.0 seconds faster and their damage is increased by 150% for each Champion adjacent to them, stacking multiplicatively.
Ultimate Ability
- Horrifying Visage - Voronika moves in front of the party, magically pushing back all monsters a short distance, especially the ones in front. All enemies take ultimate damage, and then all surviving enemies deal 90% less damage for 30 seconds. In addition, the boss/enemy enrage timer fills 200% slower for 30 seconds.
Global DPS buff
Puppet Master buff
Calculating Guidance buff
Ultimate Power buff
Speed Run buff
Ultimate Cooldown
Selflessness Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%
Explorer of Nightmares Increases the effect of Voronika's Puppet Master ability by 20%
A Finger on the Scale Increases the effect of Voronika's Calculating Guidance ability by 20%
Dreamscape Walk Increases the effect of Voronika's Speed Run ability by 20%
Inspiring Leader Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%
Koshmarr's Embrace Increases the effect of Voronika's Puppet Master ability by 40%
Shaped By My Will Increases the effect of Voronika's Calculating Guidance ability by 40%
Nightmarish Sprint Increases the effect of Voronika's Speed Run ability by 40%
Strength of Will Increases the effect of Voronika's Ultimate Power ability by 40%
Skilled Puppeteer Increases the effect of Voronika's Battle Magic, Powerful Focus, and Strike First, Strike Hard abilities by 40%
Keen Mind Increases the Intelligence score of Voronika by 1
Calculated Movements Increases the base effect of Speed Run by 900%, increases the reduction to 20%, and the effect amount starts reducing at 1 minute. Available in the new Vampire Hunter Voronika Theme Pack or for 50,000 Gems.
Master Puppeteer Increases the effect of Voronika's Battle Magic, Powerful Focus, and Strike First, Strike Hard abilities by 80% Unlockable as an Event Reward
Kindred Allies Adds Elves to Calculating Guidance's key allies. Unlockable as an Event Reward
Prodigal Leader Increases the damage of all Champions by 50%
Dark Lady Increases the effect of Voronika's Calculating Guidance ability by 80%
Extended Support Changes Calculating Guidance to target the next two columns.
Unlimited Potential Increases the effect of Voronika's Ultimate Power ability by 80%
We Want YOUR Feedback
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