This past year has been an exciting time to play Crusaders. We've been pumping out a never-ending stream of content, including a host of new campaigns, new events, and new Crusaders. In researching these numbers, we really came to appreciate all the hard work our designers and artists put into keeping things fresh all year round.

In 2016, we released 54 updates including:
- 13 brand new events:
- Princesses Pool Party
- The Blood Bowl
- Merci's Mix Up
- Hermit's Premature Party
- Nate's Candy Conundrum
- Superhero Spring
- Gardener's of the Galaxy
- The Song of Thrones
- Trek Through the Hidden Temple
- Alien Invasion Day
- Littlefoot's Big Adventure
- Dr. Evil's Summer Sabotage
- Sasha's Schoolhouse Scourge
- 4 events re-run with additions:
- Carnival of Sorrows
- Emo's New Moon
- Kaine's Dinner of Doom
- The Nate Before Christmas
- 43 new crusaders:
- Pilot Pam
- Queen Siri
- Groklok the Orc
- Drizzle the Dark Elf
- Rocky the Rockstar
- Sally the Succubus
- Larry the Leprechaun
- Kyle the Party Bro
- Alan the ArchAngel
- RoboRabbit
- The Bat Billionaire
- The Metal Soldierette
- Broot
- Robbie Raccoon
- Leerion, the Royal Dwarf
- Brogon, Prince of Dragons
- Montana James
- Serpent King Draco
- President Billy Smithsonian
- Kizlblyp, the Alien Traitor
- Ranger Rayna
- Littlefoot
- Veronica, the Android Archer
- Bubba, the Swimming Orc
- Karen, the Cat Teenager
- Mr. Boggins, the Substitute
- The Exterminator
- The Shadow Queen
- Greyskull the Pirate
- Gloria, the Good Witch
- Ilsa, the Insane Wizard
- Eiralon, the Blood Mage
- Mindy the Mime
- The Half-Blood Elf
- Henry, the Scaredy-Ghoul
- Fright-o-Tron 4000
- Graham the Driver
- Paul the Pilgrim
- Petra the Pilgrim
- The Dark Helper
- Robo-Rudolph
- 25 weekend buffs:
- Mischief at Mugwarts
- Cookie Crusaders
- Wibbly Wobbly Wackiness!
- Ready Player Two
- The Beasts Within
- Missions Madness
- Kick Off Summer
- Father's Day Weekend!
- Mobile Launch Weekend!
- Tasty Summer Talents
- Natalie's Gold Medal
- Midsummer Meditation
- Schoolhouse Rock
- Legendary Weekend
- Autumn's Upon Us
- Off-Week Offense
- Canadian Turkey Weekend
- Octoberfun Objectives
- Emo's Weekend Wonder
- Tiered Up Trouble
- Veteran's Remembrance
- Chilly November Nights
- The Great Darkness
- Clowning Around
- White Christmas
- 4 new campaigns:
- Mischief at Mugwarts
- Ready Player Two
- Idols Through Time
- Amusement Park of Doom
- 1702 new monsters
- 562 new pieces of loot
- 1050 new areas and quests
- 221 new objectives (including events and tiers)
- 26 Talents to spend idols on!
- Tier 2 and 3 objectives!
- An entire mobile version of the game!
- Missions! Including missions to obtain event crusaders and gear!
- 157 chest code giveaways via email, partners, treasure hunts, and more!
- 196 change logged bug fixes, including some significant performance improvements.

So how can we possibly top that in 2017? Well, we've got a few ideas up our collective sleeves, and since this is the season of giving, we thought we'd share one of them with you now. Take a look at these bad boys:
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What are these brilliant beauties? They're LEGENDARY ITEMS, a new tier of loot coming to Crusaders in early 2017. You'll be able to upgrade your existing Epic items into Legendary items in our long awaited crafting update. Legendary Items have an additional unique effect, on top of their boosted epic effect, which can be leveled up multiple times to be even more powerful! These items represent the most significant increase in Crusader power since the Talents update earlier this year.
If you want to get prepared early to deck out your favorite Crusader with Legendary items, you'll need to make sure you've got the slots you want to upgrade filled with purple epic-y goodness. We'll be releasing more details about these items and how you get them in an update closer to the release of the crafting patch.
That's all we've got for you today! We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year! See you in 2017!