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February 18th, 2022
Idle Champion Spotlight: Desmond 
Posted in Idle Champions.

This lone wolf was raised to be the king of his lands, but he lacks the patience for politics, and has found a pack of his own with which to run!

Desmond uses his inspiring actions and speeches to aid his companions from the Black Dice Society, and now brings his longsword and lycanthropy to the entire Idle Champions roster during Fleetswake 5!

I. Desmond

Dungeons & Dragons Desmond

    While on the hunt for food as a teenager, Desmond was inflicted with the curse of lycanthropy. After a lot of work and time, he's accepted his new lycanthropic nature, and now savors any opportunity to unleash the beast inside if the situation arises. Since his companions travel the dark lands of Ravenloft, there are plenty of occasions to transform!

Desmond is a Support Champion whose noble heart and fearsome bite can aid his allies through even the darkest of adventures. When you want to add him to your formation you can swap him with Jarlaxle in slot 4.

II. Desmond's Stats

Race: Human Alignment: Chaotic Good
Class: Ranger Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 33
Affiliation: Black Dice Society

STR: 16 DEX: 15 CON: 11
INT: 11 WIS: 12 CHA: 13

Role: Support
Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Zariel
Slot: 4 (Jarlaxle)

Dungeons & Dragons Desmond Key Art

III. Desmond's Design

The Black Dice Society tells the dark tale of six souls struggling to survive their journeys through the horrific lands of Ravenloft. When he's not giving an outstanding portrayal of a fearsome ranger, Deejay Knight prefers happier moods as a variety streamer focusing on big laughs and positivity both on stream and in his community! He's a US Air Force Veteran with extensive stage and show hosting experience, and showcases his love for the space and sci-fi genre on his Twitch channel.

Desmond's lycanthropic transformation may make him incredibly deadly, but he's a Support Champion whose primary goal it to assist his pack. That's why his Noble Heart will always be focused on increasing the damage of adjacent Champions, and when Running With The Pack he'll further increase that bonus for Lycanthropes, Druids, and other Black Dice Society Champions. As the moon waxes and wanes, so does Desmond's power and ability to buff his companions. His Howl At The Moon ability will increase his base attack speed, as well as those Champions he's adjacent to, depending on how full the moon is at that moment. He also draws power from a Devotion in Dark Times which increases the buff to Noble Heart based on the dark side of the moon. Should any of his companions fall, Desmond will Lament the Lost and increase all Champion damage to make up for their fallen comrade.

The moon continues to play a huge role in Desmond's Specializations. Double Time simply speeds up the Howl at the Moon cycle, while Embrace the Beast and Strength in Numbers will alter and increase the buffs each phase in different ways. Finally his Ultimate Attack will Unleash the Beast as Desmond transforms into his Werewolf form and leaps into battle against the least damaged enemy, all the while increasing his Noble Heart bonus!

IV. Desmond's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Crossbow and Swords — The Normal Attack changes based on if a foe is on the Champion's side of the screen.
    • Crossbow — If no enemy is on the Champion's side of the screen, Desmond shoots the closest enemy with his hand crossbow. This knocks the enemy back a short distance.
    • Twin Attack — If there is an enemy on the Champion's side of the screen, Desmond moves in front of the closest enemy and slashes with both his longsword and his shortsword, dealing 1 hit to all enemies in a small area.

Formation Abilities

  • Noble Heart — Increases the damage of Champions adjacent to Desmond by 100%.
  • Howl at the Moon — Desmond has an overlay of the moon that transitions every 2 minutes from new to full and back again, spending 15 seconds at each step. The light side of the moon increases the base attack speed of Desmond and Champions adjacent to him depending on how full the moon is:
    • New Moon: base attack cooldown is unaffected
    • Waxing Crescent: base attack cooldown is 0.125s faster
    • First Quarter: base attack cooldown is 0.25s faster
    • Waxing Gibbous: base attack cooldown is 0.375s faster
    • Full Moon: base attack cooldown is 0.5s faster
    • Waning Gibbous: base attack cooldown is 0.375s faster
    • Third Quarter: base attack cooldown is 0.25s faster
    • Waning Crescent: base attack cooldown is 0.125s faster
    Moon phase durations are altered by a specialization, and attack cooldown buffed by a specialization, feats, equipment.
  • Devotion in Dark Times — The dark side of the moon gives
    Noble Heart a further boost dependent on how close the new moon is:
    • New Moon: +100% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waxing Crescent: +75% buff to Noble Heart
    • First Quarter: +50% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waxing Gibbous:+25% buff to Noble Heart
    • Full Moon: Noble Heart is unaffected
    • Waning Gibbous: +25% buff to Noble Heart
    • Third Quarter: +50% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waning Crescent: +75% buff to Noble Heart
  • Running with the Pack — Increase the effect of Noble Heart on Lycanthropes, Druids, and Black Dice Society Champions by +100%.
  • Lament the Lost — Desmond increases the damage of all Champions by 100%, stacking multiplicatively, for each slot in the formation that contains a dead Champion or is taken up by an escort character or object. Buffs to this ability apply to the pre-stack multiplier.


  • Double Time — The moon cycle of Howl at the Moon is twice as fast, recharging Desmond's ultimate attack more often.
  • Embrace the Beast — Desmond and adjacent Champion's base attack cooldowns are an additional 0.5s faster. In addition, the full moon of Howl at the Moon takes 30 seconds, while the new moon and crescent moons only take 10 seconds.
    • New Moon: base attack cooldown is 0.5s faster
    • Waxing Crescent: base attack cooldown is 0.625s faster
    • First Quarter: base attack cooldown is 0.75s faster
    • Waxing Gibbous: base attack cooldown is 0.875s faster
    • Full Moon: base attack cooldown is 1s faster
    • Waning Gibbous: base attack cooldown is 0.875s faster
    • Third Quarter: base attack cooldown is 0.75s faster
    • Waning Crescent: base attack cooldown is 0.625s faster
  • Strength in Numbers — Devotion in Dark Times gets an +100% additive buff. In addition, the new moon of Howl at the Moon takes 30 seconds, while the full moon and gibbous moons only take 10 seconds.
    • New Moon: +200% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waxing Crescent: +175% buff to Noble Heart
    • First Quarter: +150% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waxing Gibbous:+125% buff to Noble Heart
    • Full Moon: +100% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waning Gibbous: +125% buff to Noble Heart
    • Third Quarter: +150% buff to Noble Heart
    • Waning Crescent: +175% buff to Noble Heart

Ultimate Ability

  • Unleash the Beast — Desmond transforms into his Werewolf form and leaps at the enemy with the most hit points. He swipes with both claws, then bites (3 separate hits), then returns to formation and back to human form. In addition, Noble Heart gets a +300% increase for 30 seconds. Instead of a regular cooldown timer, this attack recharges at the start of the full moon. Things that change the cooldown rate have no effect.

V. Desmond's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Global DPS
Slot 3: Noble Heart
Slot 4: Running with the Pack
Slot 5: Lament the Lost
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Damage


If anyone can help the Champions survive on their missions, it's a member of the Black Dice Society, and we're thrilled to have Desmond join the Idle Champions roster! Tell us how happy you are to have a new member of the Champion pack on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!