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Recent News
May 3rd, 2024
Idle Champions: Jack the Pumpkin Sprout Charity Familiar 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We are excited to announce our collaboration with Mark Meer for the release of Jack the Pumpkin Sprout Familiar, coming to Idle Champions on May 6th, 2024! The net proceeds of all Jack the Pumpkin Sprout sales from the first week of launch will be donated to Take This!

Jack the Pumpkin Sprout

Dungeons & Dragons Jack and Mark Meer

“Gourd to meet you!”

The incredible Mark Meer returns to Idle Champions to create our newest charity familiar. For those unfamiliar with him, Mark Meer is a prolific voice actor with credits such as Mass Effect, Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, and MythForce. His character from Black Dice Society, Brother Uriah, came to Idle Champions last year and Mark played him in Idle Champions Presents: Fatebreaker. As the voice of Baeloth Barrityl in Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Mark also played as Baeloth in several Idle Champions Presents and even acted as the Dungeon Master for Idle Champions Presents: The Black Pits!

Together, our goal is to raise funds for Take This, whose mission is to decrease the stigma and increase the support for mental health in the game enthusiast community and inside the game industry. Help them continue their efforts this year by purchasing Jack the Pumpkin Sprout and by visiting their site right now!

Jack the Pumpkin Sprout Familiar will be available in-game starting on Monday, May 6th, 2024 at 12pm Pacific! Afterward, all net proceeds from the first week of Jack's sales will be donated to Take This.

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is available on PC and Mac on Steam, Epic, the web, Xbox One, Playstation 4, iOS and all Android devices!

September 8th, 2023
Idle Champions: Psyche Charity Familiar 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We are thrilled to collaborate with Doctor B for the release of Psyche the Amethyst Pseudodragon Familiar, coming to Idle Champions on September 13th, 2023! The net proceeds of all Psyche sales from the first week of launch will be donated to Take This!

Psyche the Amethyst Pseudodragon

Dungeons & Dragons Psyche and Doctor B

“It always depends; Semper dependet!”

It was a joy to get to work with Doctor B for this charity familiar. For those unfamiliar with him, Doctor B is the Clinical Director for Take This and a frequent contributor to the YouTube channel How to ADHD. He also co-hosts for Champions of Psychology on our Twitch Channel. Doctor B doesn't just enjoy playing Dungeons & Dragons - he's an expert in the applied use of tabletop role-playing games in clinical and learning settings! Tabletop games mean a lot to him, and his love for them and Idle Champions shines through in Psyche the Amethyst Pseudodragon.

Together our goal is to raise money for Take This, whose mission is to decrease the stigma and increase the support for mental health in the game enthusiast community and inside the game industry. Help them continue their efforts this year by purchasing Psyche the Amethyst Pseudodragon and by visiting their site right now!

Psyche the Amethyst Pseudodragon Familiar will be available in-game starting on Wednesday, September 13th, 2023 at 12pm Pacific! Afterward, all net proceeds from the first week of Psyche sales will be donated to Take This.

Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is available on PC and Mac on Steam, Epic, the web, Xbox One, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS and on all Android devices!

May 15th, 2023
Idle Champions: Champions of Psychology Charity T-Shirt 
Posted in Idle Champions.

To celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month and the launch of season 8 of the award-winning informational, mental health stream Champions of Psychology, Codename Entertainment and Take This are offering limited edition t-shirts and hoodies. These sales will benefit Take This’ mental health mission to decrease the stigma, and increase the support for, mental health in the game enthusiast community and inside the game industry.

Check out the T-Shirt Here!

For longtime viewers of Champions of Psychology, you’ve heard Mitra, Treavor, and Dr. B repeatedly say that their answers always depend on a lot of factors. Now you can commemorate their stubborn unwillingness to give simple answers with these limited edition t-shirts and hoodies featuring the Latin motto, “Semper dependent” (“It always depends”). This motto is printed under the Champions of Psychology logo on the left side of the chest.

At no additional cost, with each separate order Codename Entertainment will offer fantastic in-game items from both of their games. Valued at over $20 USD, these in-game items include:
- Idle Champions: The Great Modron March Event - 3 Gold Champion Chests each for Nordom, Mehen, and a new Champion to be revealed on May 18th!
- Bush Whacker 2: The Balloon Kitty pet and 5 Take This Cookies (restore 100% energy each)

For more information about this event and mental health in general, you can tune in every Tuesday for Champions of Psychology at 12PM Pacific on
September 9th, 2022
Idle Champions: Scotty the Rescue Pup Familiar 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Rescue cuddles are INCOMING!

Scotty the Rescue Pup Familiar is here to help brighten your day while helping others get the help they need. Read on to learn all about this adorable dog and all the good they are doing!

Scotty the Rescue Pup Familiar

Dungeons & Dragons Scotty Familiar Take This GIF

For the fifth year in a row, we're thrilled to be working with Take This on a charity fundraiser! Take This is a mental health organization providing comprehensive resources, support, and consultation tailored for the unique and diverse needs of the game community.

The inspiration for this new charity familiar comes directly from the real-life pup and his human companion Kelli Butler, a professional opera singer and active streamer for a variety of video games and tabletop RPGs. On stage, she's a coloratura soprano with an extensive performance resume. On streams, she's best known as The Opera Geek and appears on a variety of shows and charity events. We're excited to be working with her, and thrilled that she will be joining the cast of A Familiar Quest: Series 2 as Scotty, starting September 12th!

Dungeons & Dragons Kelli Scotty Social

Scotty the Rescue Pup will be available in-game starting on Wednesday, September 21st at 12pm Pacific! All net proceeds from the first week of Scotty sales will be donated to Take This. Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms is available on PC and Mac on Steam, Epic, the web, Xbox One, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS and on all Android devices!

September 6th, 2021
Idle Champions: Fenris the Dire Wolf Pup & Take This 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Greetings, Champions! Does your ranger need a new companion? Does your wizard need a new familiar? Or maybe you just want an adorable puppy and the warm feeling of helping do good things in the world?

Fenris the Dire Wolf Pup Familiar is here to help!

Fenris the Dire Wolf Pup Familiar

Dungeons & Dragons Fenris Familiar Take This

For the fourth year in a row we're thrilled to be working with Take This on a charity fundraiser! Take This is a mental health organization providing comprehensive resources, support, and consultation tailored for the unique and diverse needs of the game community.

It's been wonderful to once again work with Tanya DePass, this time in her capacity as a board member of Take This. She helped us bring Fenris the Dire Wolf Pup Familiar to life in our game, all to help support a fantastic cause we really believe in. The net proceeds of all Fenris sales for the first 2 weeks of release will be donated to Take This. It will be used to help fund their new series of panels discussing the mental health experiences & needs of folks from marginalized communities, an idea championed by Tanya herself.

Dungeons & Dragons Fenris Familiar Take This

From September 6-19th, Codename will be donating the net proceeds from all purchases of the new Fenris the Dire Wolf Pup Familiar Pack to Take This, and it is available now in the in-game shop on PC and Mac on Steam, Epic, the web, Xbox One, Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS and on all Android devices!

November 5th, 2020
Idle Champions: Stay at Home Walnut 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We're very proud to be partnering with the Take This charity and Take This Wisdom Save Weekend and their ambassador Trystan Falcone, aka Walnut Dankgrass on Acquisitions Incorporated: The "C" Team, with the release of the Stay at Home Walnut skin!

You can get your hands on this exclusive skin by signing up to play or run a live TRPG session during Take This Wisdom Save Weekend. All you have to do is go to this link, sign up to play in a game or run a session or donate US$20. You'll then receive your Stay At Home Walnut code in the confirmation email.

Wisdom Save Weekend

Wisdom Save Weekend is the first annual Take This gaming weekend. Jam-packed with live streams and amazing games with proceeds benefiting Take This. Starting with a whole day of Live Streaming content on the 20th and two days packed with paid and free games on the 21st and 22nd of November.

The mission of Take This is to decrease the stigma and increase the support for, mental health in the game community and inside the game industry. Their vision is a game community that welcomes and supports people experiencing mental health challenges, and that recognizes the humanity and mental health of game creators. All of the Wisdom Save Weekend paid games will directly benefit Take This with 100% of the proceeds going to them.

Dungeons & Dragons Stay at Home Walnut Take This

Stay at Home Walnut

The first 1,000 TRPG fans to sign up to participate in Take This Wisdom Save Weekend via StartPlaying.Games will receive a code for the exclusive Stay At Home Walnut skin for Idle Champions. The code will unlock the following:
  • Walnut Dankgrass
  • An exclusive Stay at Home Walnut Skin
  • Two Gold Walnut Chests that enable players to unlock gear for Walnut in-game.
  • Plus the donor will book a seat at their chosen TRPG session for Take This Wisdom Save Weekend.

Unable to attend This This Wisdom Save Weekend but still want to support a great cause and get Stay at Home Walnut? We heard your feedback! Follow these steps:
  • Go to Take This Wisdom Save Weekend's Tilitfy
  • Make sure you're registered with Tiltify.
  • donate first and then it takes you to the rewards (but you can click on 'Rewards' on the left to preview the donation)

September 8th, 2020
Idle Champions: Mindful Sloth Familiar & Take This 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Greetings, Champions!

This summer has certainly flown by. Normally at this time of year, we'd be gearing up to go to PAX West, but this year is a bit different.

While we find new ways to adapt, somethings stay consistent and that's why we're thrilled to announce that we are working with Take This on a charity fundraiser for Mental Health Awareness for the third year in a row! Take This is a mental health organization providing comprehensive resources, support, and consultation tailored for the unique and diverse needs of the game community.

The Mindful Sloth

This is our third year partnering with Take This and AFK Rooms at PAX! The two previous years we were delighted to raise $11,500 in 2018 and $13,000 in 2019 for AFK Rooms and in support of Mental Health Awareness. This year's AFK Room will be a little different, but we are thrilled to support the Take This Community AFK Discord - AFKOnline!

This year we have partnered again with the incredible Trystan Falcone, aka Walnut Dankgrass on Acquisitions Incorporated: The "C" Team, to bring The Mindful Sloth Familiar to Idle Champions.

Dungeons & Dragons Mindful Sloth Familiar Take This

Through September 21, 2020, Codename will be donating the net proceeds from all purchases of the new Mindful Sloth Familiar Pack to Take This in support of the Take This Community AFK Discord. It's a fantastic cause and one we really believe in, so we hope you'll help and bring this wonderful sloth into your familiar circles! The Mindful Sloth Familiar is available now in the in-game shop on PC and Mac on Steam and web, Xbox One, iOS and on all Android devices.

The Mindful Sloth Familiar will be available on PlayStation 4 on Tuesday, September 8th, and on Nintendo Switch on Friday, September 18th, 2020. We will be donating the net proceeds for the first two weeks of release, once available on those platforms.
September 9th, 2019
Take This PAX West 2019 Update 

With your help we managed to raise more than $13,000 in support of Take This, helping to fund AFK Rooms not just for PAX West 2019, but for future PAX Events as well.

On behalf of all of us at Codename Entertainment, we would like to offer a massive ‘thank you’ to the fans and supporters who made this happen. It is thanks to you that PAX attendees will have access to these invaluable spaces to recharge.

Also, a very special thank you to Amy T Falcone, the creator of Vizier, and her fans who helped make this a giant success too.

To learn more about how your donations make a difference, visit
August 13th, 2019
Idle Champions: Vizier Familiar & PAX West 2019 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Greetings, Champions!

We hope your August has been filled with joy and adventures, both inside and outside Idle Champions. It's a very busy month for us here at Codename Entertainment, not just because we continue to work on live servicing our games while half our staff go on holiday, but also because we're gearing up for PAX West.

Wait -- did we mention that we'll be at PAX West again this year? Whoops. Let me start over. We're going to be at PAX West again this year! And not only are we hosting our very own booth (#7301 on Floor 6) but we will be featuring a whole bunch of fun stuff. Read on to learn more...

Put a Bird on it for Charity

Some of you may remember that last year we did a charity fundraiser for Take This and AFK Rooms at PAX, raising over $11,500 in support of Mental Health Awareness!

This year we have partnered with the incredible Amy T. Falcone, aka Walnut Dankgrass on Acquisitions Incorporated: The "C" Team, to bring Walnut's Familiar, Vizier, the Steller's Jay, to Idle Champions.

Would you like to know more? We have a video for you!

Through August 27th, 2019, all net proceeds from the Vizier the Steller's Jay Familiar Pack will be donated to Take This in support of AFK Rooms at PAX events. It's a fantastic cause and one we really believe in, so we hope you'll help!

Meet the Cool Kids

What fun is a PAX without your friends? This year we're hosting some amazingly-talented folks over at Booth 7301 for signings/meet & greets, and when we're not already introducing you to awesome people our artists will be drawing caricatures of PAX attendees as D&D classes. Ever wanted to have your likeness immortalized as a Warlock or Barbarian on a fragile sheet of paper? PAX West is your chance!

PAX West Booth 7301 Schedule

Note: subject to change, because, well, things happen and you adapt ;)

TIME Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
10AM–12PM Caricatures Caricatures Caricatures Caricatures
12PM–1PM High Rollers The "C" Team &
Anna Prosser
Anna Prosser Caricatures
1PM–2PM Caricatures Caricatures Caricatures Caricatures
2PM–3PM Erin M Evans Erin M Evans Caricatures Caricatures
3PM–4PM Caricatures High Rollers High Rollers Caricatures
4PM–5PM Scott Kurtz Caricatures Scott Kurtz Caricatures
5PM–6PM Caricatures Caricatures Caricatures Caricatures

Yes, you read that right: it's all caricatures, all day long on Monday, September 2nd. Many PAX attendees wait until Monday to get their caricatures done, and that's awesome - but keep in mind that the queue for caricatures does tend to fill up quickly!

Free PAX Stuffâ„¢

At past events we've always had a selection of Champions for players to pick up through Champion Postcards. This PAX we're going to put a little bit of a spin on it and make things far more simple. There will be one giveaway to rule them all: Rockstar Jim Darkmagic!

Anyone who drops by Booth 7301 can pick up a Champion Postcard that unlocks Rockstar Jim Darkmagic, a costume based on Mike Krahulik's cosplay at Acquisitions Incorporated Live - PAX West 2018. And, if you don't already have Jim Darkmagic unlocked, the Rockstar Jim Darkmagic Postcard will unlock him for you as well.

I can already hear the collective groan of players who will miss out on PAX West and their chance to get Rockstar Jim Darkmagic. Worry not, friends — we will be making Rockstar Jim Darkmagic available again in the future. So while PAX West 2019 will be your first chance to get this exclusive outfit, it will return, and in the meantime you'll be at least as cool as Jim!

Is that it?

No, that's not all! But the other stuff isn't quite ready to be shared. We have a rather ambitious idea for our booth setup this year and we're still working on it, unsure about whether or not this crazy idea will work. We hope to share that info soon, but everyone may have to wait until the doors open to PAX West and then head on over to Booth 7301 on Floor 6 in order to find out...

In the meantime, we hope you'll consider contributing to Take This by grabbing your very own Vizier the Steller's Jay Familiar!

September 12th, 2018
Take This PAX West 2018 Update 
Posted in Idle Champions.

We are delighted to announce that the Stinky the Cranium Rat DLC pack has raised more than $11,500 for mental health at game conventions!

With the help of our fans, we managed to raise an astounding $11,542.05 in support of Take This, helping to fund AFK Rooms not just for PAX West 2018, but for future PAX Events as well.

On behalf of all of us at Codename Entertainment, we would like to offer a massive ‘thank you’ to the fans and supporters who made this happen. It is thanks to you that PAX attendees will have access to these invaluable spaces to recharge.

Also, a very special thank you to Holly Conrad, whose fantastic imagination created Stinky, and whose own fans helped make this a giant success too.

To learn more about how your donations make a difference, visit
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