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July 26th, 2024
Idle Champion Spotlight: Wren 
Posted in Idle Champions.

"It's nice at least knowing this is me. A form of me at least. I just can't stop thinking about who they were and where they've been. I just hope I'm doing this new form justice."

Getting a second chance at life is usually a rare gift, but what if you have to re-learn who you are every time? Will you make the same decisions, or try something new? Wren was faced with remaking herself again and again, and now uses all of the skills she has gained from coming back to life as a glitched Champion to become a new kind of hero!

I. Wren

Dungeons & Dragons Wren

    Wren woke up in the Mortuary with the Champions and, like them, had no memory of who she was. The talking skull, Morte, gave her a name and from there she journeyed with the Champions on a quest to discover who they were. Along the way, disaster struck twice and Wren was killed - but each time she quickly returned in the form of herself from somewhere else in the Multiverse!
Wren is a glitch Champion where you get to pick her form. Will you choose the Dwarf Monk, focusing on her ability to deal damage? Will you choose the Tabaxi Barbarian, focusing on her ability to protect her allies? Or will you choose the Warforged Sorcerer, where she debuffs her enemies? Whatever form you pick will show up in seat 3 next to Nayeli.

Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Wren's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

II. Wren's Stats

Race: Dwarf / Tabaxi / Warforged Alignment: Neutral Good
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 31 Affiliation: None Class: Monk / Barbarian / Sorcerer

STR: 14 DEX: 12 CON: 14
INT: 13 WIS: 13 CHA: 13

Role: Support / DPS / Tanking / Debuff

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel, Elminster (until July 31st, 2027)

Seat: 3 (Nayeli)

III. Wren's Abilities

Basic Attack - Wren has three different base attacks depending on her chosen glitch form. Unarmed Strike is her default first attack.

  • Unarmed Strike (Dwarf Monk melee attack) - Wren attacks the most damaged enemy for one hit.
  • Unarmed Strike (Tabaxi Barbarian melee attack) - Wren attacks the closest enemy for one hit.
  • Unarmed Strike (Warforged Sorcerer magic attack) - Wren blasts the enemy with the most health for one hit.

Passive Abilities

  • Slightly Glitched - Wren always counts as all her Glitch forms, regardless of the form she has chosen for the current adventure. She can also be used in any Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventure or variant, regardless of any restrictions.

Formation Abilities

  • Hero's Call - Wren increases the damage of all Champions in her column (including herself) and the column behind her by 100%.
  • Instability - All three of Wren's glitch forms yearn to be utilized. For each area completed, all three forms gain a yearning stack, which generally persists between adventures. Wren's chosen form buffs her Hero's Call by 100% for each yearning stack for her chosen form, stacking additively. Yearning stacks for any glitch form she has specialized in during your current adventure are set to zero at the end of the adventure, or if she is swapped into another party.
  • Incarnation's Class - Depending on her chosen Glitch form, Wren gains a unique ability:
    • Monk (DPS): Monk's Tenacity - Wren increases her damage by 1000%.
    • Barbarian (tanking): Barbarian's Resilience - Wren increases her health by 200% and then further increases her health by 75% (multiplicatively) for every 50 areas completed in the current adventure, up to area 600.
    • Sorcerer (debuff): Sorcerer's Flames - Enemies damaged by Wren catch fire and take 100% more damage from subsequent Champion attacks.
  • Glitch Trick - Depending on her chosen Glitch form, Wren gains a unique ability:
    • Monk (DPS): Flurry of Blows - When Wren defeats an enemy, her base attack cooldown immediately recharges.
    • Barbarian (tanking): Battle Cry - Wren increases the health of all other Champions by 25% of her max health, and any healing effect on those Champions is increased by 25%.
    • Sorcerer (debuff): Stunning Blast - Wren's base attack Stuns enemies for 5 seconds.
  • Experienced Incarnation - Wren increases the effect of Hero's Call by 25% for each Turn of Fortune's Wheel adventure, variant, or patron variant completed, stacking multiplicatively.


  • Glitch Form: Dwarf Monk (DPS) - Wren remains in her dwarf monk form, unlocks the Astral Self Form ultimate, and focuses on her DPS role. She also gains +4 DEX and +4 WIS.
  • Glitch Form: Tabaxi Barbarian (tanking) - Wren takes on the form of a Tabaxi Barbarian. She unlocks the Colossal Rage ultimate, the Battleaxe base attack, gains 20 overwhelm, and focuses on her tanking role. She also gains +4 STR and +4 CON.
  • Glitch Form: Warforged Sorcerer (debuff) - Wren takes on the form of a Warforged Sorcerer. She unlocks the Time Stop ultimate, the Fire Bolt base attack, and focuses on her debuff role. She also gains +4 INT and +4 CHA.

Ultimate Ability - Wren has three different ultimate attacks depending on her chosen glitch form.

  • Astral Self Form (Dwarf Monk melee ultimate) - Wren manifests her astral form for 15 seconds. For the duration, when she attacks, she deals 1 hit to all nearby enemies (including her initial target) for ultimate damage.
  • Colossal Rage (Tabaxi Barbarian melee ultimate) - Wren grows in size for 15 seconds. For the duration, all enemies target her if possible, she takes 50% less damage from all attacks, and her attacks deal ultimate damage.
  • Time Stop (Warforged Sorcerer magic ultimate) - All enemies are frozen in time for 15 seconds. Enemies still spawn, but freeze for the rest of the duration when they finish spawning. Heroes deal 400% more damage to frozen enemies.

IV. Wren's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Hero's Call
Slot 3: Instability
Slot 4: Incarnation's Class
Slot 5: Ultimate Attack Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Attack Cooldown

V. Wren's Achievement and Unlocking Information


  • It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's... - Trigger Wren's Flurry of Blows 10,000 times, have her grow in size 100 times, and have her light 10,000 enemies on fire.

How To Unlock Wren:

Wren is an Evergreen Champion who is unlocked by playing through the Turn of Fortune's Wheel campaign. As you proceed through the campaign you will arrive at the adventure Titan on the Town. When you reach this point, follow these steps:
  • Complete the adventure Titan on the Town. This will unlock the first adventure variant Clockwise Through the Great Wheel.
  • Complete the adventure variant Clockwise Through the Great Wheel and the second adventure variant will be unlocked, Twice Through the Great Wheel.
  • Complete the adventure variant Twice Through the Great Wheel and one of the rewards for completion will be the unlock for Wren.

VI. Conclusion

What is your favorite Wren glitch form? Let us know in one of the many places we hang out:
March 22nd, 2022
Idle Champion Spotlight: Blooshi I 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Death is not the end of adventure for everyone. Some Champions have a strong enough spirit that they will continue to fight!

Blooshi is the latest Evergreen Champion, joining our roster from the Wild Beyond the Witchlight!

I. Blooshi I

    Blooshi has always been different than the other Bullywugs. She never had others who understood her, but after she picked up a strange skull, she finally found someone who does. Thanks to that skull, Blooshi formed a warlock pact with an undead entity! Now whenever she dies she comes back as a much tougher ghost, smashing her assailants before being sucked back into her body and returning to life. She's pretty pleased, as it's very useful and goes with her whole dark vibe. Surely there will be no repercussions!

Blooshi is a Support and Tank Champion who hails from the Soggy Court in Prismeer. She enjoys taunting her enemies, and when she becomes overwhelmed relies on the power of her undead patron to return as a spirit and a formidable tank. Starting on March 23rd, 2022 you can unlock Blooshi by first completing The Fairy Rings of Thither adventure in the Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign, and then completing that adventure variant Bully For You! Once unlocked you can add her to your formation by swapping her out with Celeste (Slot 2).

II. Blooshi's Stats

Race: Bullywug Alignment: Neutral Evil
Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
Age: 11.5 Class: Warlock

STR: 10 DEX: 14 CON: 16
INT: 13 WIS: 8 CHA: 18

Role: Tanking, Support

Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel

Slot: 2 (Celeste)

Dungeons & Dragons Blooshi Key Art

III. Blooshi's Design

Inspired by the Wild Beyond The Witchlight Bullywugs and a Champion that would pair well with Ulkoria, the design team set to work crafting a magic tank with a focus on souls! Blooshi is a Soul Gatherer, collecting the souls of any enemies killed, and gaining power the larger her Soul Stack becomes. Champions in the two columns behind her get a damage increase depending on how many Soul Stacks she has gained. Taking a protective position in front of her companions, Blooshi's regular attack is a Taunting Blast using her eldritch magic, and if the enemy survives they prioritize attacking her in retaliation.

But Blooshi is a bit squishier than a normal tank, and tends to die. A lot. Fortunately death is not the end for Blooshi! Her Spirit Carries On after she falls, and as a Spirit continuing to buff her allies and attack as normal, plus gaining the health needed to keep tanking! While in Spirit form she will remember A Life Well Lived and boosts the Soul Gatherer damage depending on how many bosses she made it through alive. Being in Spirit form is certainly A Grave Situation so she increases how many Soul Stacks she can have, and adds even more to her stack when a boss is killed. As a Spirit Blooshi is extra protective of her companions, and she'll increase the max health of all other Champions, telling them Don't Croak!

Blooshi has two Specializations. The first affects how many souls she can collect as a Soul Gatherer, choosing to gain twice the number of Soul Stacks generated for Sliced Souls, Skewered Souls, or Charred Souls. The second Specialization affects her Spirit form, either making her a more Resilient Spirit by taking less damage, or a Wild Spirit and increasing how many Soul Stacks she gains thanks to A Grave Situation. When things have become too dire, Blooshi will use her Ultimate Attack to summon a Spirit Charge, causing Bullywug spirits to fly across the battlefield grabbing enemies as they go! Each enemy is tossed away from the formation, and take a hard fall filled with damage as they land.

IV. Blooshi's Abilities

Basic Attack

  • Taunting Blast — Blooshi attacks the closest untaunted enemy with an eldritch blast magic attack that causes one hit. If the enemy survives, it is taunted. A taunted enemy prioritizes attacks against Blooshi if possible; melee characters will move towards her and attack her if she's in the front, ranged/magic will shoot at her. If all enemies are currently taunted, she attacks a random enemy instead.

Formation Abilities

  • Soul Gatherer — Whenever an enemy dies, Blooshi gains 1 Soul Stack from normal enemies and 15 Soul Stacks from Boss enemies. Blooshi increases the damage of Champions in the two columns behind her by 1% for each Soul Stack, stacking additively. When changing areas, she loses 20% of her Soul Stacks. Soul Stacks cap at 10,000 in her non-spirit form.
  • Spirit Carries On — When Blooshi dies, she is replaced in the formation with her Spirit. The following rules apply to Blooshi's Spirit:
    • The Spirit still buffs the formation with all of Blooshi's normal formation abilities and buffs.
    • The Spirit continues to attack and can be attacked like normal. She can be "killed", at which point she stops granting all effects like any dead Champion would.
    • Blooshi's Spirit counts as "dead" for the purposes of effects that are triggered by dead Champions, but "alive" for all other purposes.
    • Blooshi does not fully "resurrect" when changing areas like a normal Champion would. If her Spirit is killed, then her Spirit will reappear at full health upon changing areas.
    • In adventure with perma-death, Blooshi doesn't count as actually dead until her Spirit is killed.
    • Whenever you collect a boss loot bag, her "next of kin" returns to the formation, and the number after her name will increase by one. The roman numeral is reset at the end of the adventure.
    • While in Spirit form, her health is increased by 125 and her overwhelm is increased by 20.
  • A Life Well Lived — While Blooshi is in Spirit form, Soul Gatherer's damage boost gets a +10% increase, stacking multiplicatively, for each boss level that Blooshi had made it through alive during this adventure.
  • A Grave Situation — While Blooshi is in Spirit form her base Soul Stack cap is increased to 100,000. Enemy attacks against her increase her current Soul Stacks by 1% and boss attacks increases her current Soul Stacks by 15%
  • Don't Croak! — Increase the max health of all other Champions by 25% of Blooshi's Spirit Carries On health bonus.


Blooshi's first specialization affects how many souls are generated for Soul Gatherer:

  • Sliced Souls — Enemies killed with melee attacks generate twice the number of Soul Stacks for Soul Gatherer.
  • Skewered Souls — Enemies killed with ranged attacks generate twice the number of Soul Stacks for Soul Gatherer.
  • Charred Souls — Enemies killed with magic attacks generate twice the number of Soul Stacks for Soul Gatherer.
Blooshi's second specialization affects her Spirit form:

  • Resilient Spirit — Blooshi's Spirit form takes 50% less damage.
  • Wild Spirit — Soul Stacks granted by A Grave Situation are increased by 33%.

Ultimate Ability

  • Spirit Charge — Bullywug spirits fly from the left to the right, picking up each enemy and tossing them back 25% of the screen, dealing damage to each of them. Enemies can't be pushed back past the spawning edge.

V. Blooshi's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: Soul Gatherer
Slot 3: Spirit Carries On
Slot 4: A Live Well Lived
Slot 5: Ultimate Attack Damage
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

VI. Conclusion

We are excited to have Blooshi join your Champion roster as the latest Evergreen Champion! If you have feedback, let us know in a Community Q&A or Champion feedback post on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

September 1st, 2021
Idle Champion Spotlight: NERDS 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Fighter (Orange), Ranger (Red), Bard (Green), Cleric (Yellow), Rogue (Pink), & Wizard (Purple), a fun and daring combination in a minecart to help you on your adventures!

Let the adventure together begin! Our latest, sweetest, Evergreen Champion is exclusive to D&D branded NERDS packages. Learn more about the collaboration at


Dungeons & Dragons NERDs

    A spontaneous fighter, a creative ranger, and a daring rogue team up with a humorous bard, a deep-thinking wizard, and a logical cleric. Together, they form a sweet partnership! Each NERD has a role, but like all adventuring parties, they're better together!

The NERDS are a Support, DPS, Tanking, and Healing Champion whose abilities change depending on who drives the mining cart! When you want to add them to your formation you can swap them with Bruenor (Slot 1).

II. NERDS' Stats

Race: NERDS Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Class: Fighter/Ranger/Bard/Cleric/Rogue/Wizard Gender: Nonbinary
Age: 38

STR: 9 DEX: 12 CON: 13
INT: 12 WIS: 11 CHA: 12

Role: Support, DPS, Tanking, Healing
Eligible for Patrons: none
Slot: 1 (Bruenor)

Dungeons & Dragons Nerds

III. NERDS' Design

We were super excited to chat with the NERDS team about the best way to bring NERDS to Idle Champions. We wanted to find a way to reflect the different personalities each NERD and their class has while highlighting their teamwork and true companionship as they adventure together.

The NERDS Chromatic Fanatic attack and Formation Abilities change based on who is driving the mining cart, and Shake the Box switches which NERD takes the lead! Specialization choices allow you to select one NERD to always lead the back.

This sweet Evergreen Champion is exclusive to D&D branded NERDS packages. DND x NERDS is a sweet collaboration between Dungeons & Dragons and NERDS. By entering your proof of purchase from your D&D branded NERDS packaging, you can unlock 1 of 7 custom D&D adventures, and get a code to unlock the NERDS Champion and 5 gold chests in Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms! Learn more about the collaboration at

IV. NERDS' Abilities

While all 6 NERDS are a part of this single Champion, only 3 NERDS are active at a time. Active means that they are visible in the minecart. When you use the Shake The Box Ultimate, the NERDS will shake around and a new set of 3 will become active. You can help to lock one of the 3 in the lead (the front of the cart and the main attacker) by choosing a specialization track.

Basic Attack

  • Chromatic Fanatic — The Basic Attack changes based on the Nerd that's at the front of the cart.
    • Fighter (Orange) — Leaps out of the cart and hits the nearest enemy with their shield.
    • Ranger (Red) — Shoots a random enemy with their bow.
    • Bard (Green) — Strums their lute, sending musical notes flying towards a random enemy.
    • Cleric (Yellow) — Leaps out of the cart and smacks a random enemy with their mace.
    • Rogue (Pink) — Disappears and damages the furthest enemy with their caltrops.
    • Wizard (Purple) — Launches a magic missile at a random enemy.

Formation Abilities

  • Fighter (Orange) — Increase the damage of all Champions behind the NERDS by 100% when enemies are attacking the Nerds while the Fighter (Orange) is active.

  • Ranger (Red) — When the NERDS attack while the Ranger (Red) is active, damaged enemies take 100% more damage for the next 15 seconds. This ability does not stack, but the timer resets if it applies again before the 15 seconds are up.

  • Bard (Green) — Increases the damage of Champions adjacent to the NERDS by 100% while the Bard (Green) is active. Can be buffed by upgrades and equipment.

  • Cleric (Yellow) — Heals all Champions in all columns in front of the NERDS for 10 HP per second while the Cleric (Yellow) is active.

  • Rogue (Pink) — When the NERDS attack while the Rogue (Pink) is active, their initial attack leaves behind a small Nerd-shaped trap filled with smoke powder which explodes after 5 seconds, dealing 10x the NERDS' normal damage. The NERDS also attack 0.5 seconds faster while the Rogue (Pink) is active.

  • Wizard (Purple) — When the NERDS attack while the Wizard (Purple) is active, their initial attack spawns 3 magic missiles, which fly out and deal normal damage to 3 random enemies (could include the initial enemy but should fly out in a loop before doing so) if possible.

  • Orange is on it! — When the Fighter (Orange) is active, the max health of the NERDS is increased by 100%. This ability can be buffed by upgrades.


Note: These specializations have no immediate effect (i.e. don't immediately put the chosen Nerd in the front of the cart or even transfer them into the cart) until Shake the Box is used.

  • Orange Leader, Standing By —The Fighter (Orange) will always appear in the front of the cart when Shake The Box is used.

  • Red Leader, Standing By — The Ranger (Red) will always appear in the front of the cart when Shake The Box is used.

  • Green Leader, Standing By — The Bard (Green) will always appear in the front of the cart when Shake The Box is used.

  • Yellow Leader, Standing By — The Cleric (Yellow) will always appear in the front of the cart when Shake The Box is used.

  • Pink Leader, Standing By — The Rogue (Pink) will always appear in the front of the cart when Shake The Box is used

  • Purple Leader, Standing By —The Wizard (Purple) will always appear in the front of the cart when Shake The Box is used.

Ultimate Ability

  • Shake The Box — The cart shakes as the three NERDS in the cart are removed and replaced with three random NERDS. They could include some or all of the same NERDS. If a specialization is chosen, the front-NERD is always fixed and does not leave the cart (just the middle and back NERD do). A base attack can not occur while the swap is happening.

V. NERDS Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Fighter (Orange)
Slot 2: Ranger (Red)
Slot 3: Bard (Green)
Slot 4: Cleric (Yellow)
Slot 5: Minecart - Rogue (Pink)
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown - Wizard (Purple)

VI. Conclusion

Let us know how excited you are to use NERDS in your formations on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

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