March 21st, 2011
Bush Whacker Update: Welcome to the Jungle
It's fun 'n games time again! Level 88 or higher players will be able to explore the damp, dense regions of eastern Bushland in the new Jungle update! The level cap has been increased to 100 to accommodate this new content.
We have also added a new feature to the world map - the ability to see where quests are right on the map. Available quests will show up as yellow exclamation points, and you'll be able to hover over active and completed quests to see where you need to go to do them or turn them in.
March 8th, 2011
Egg Breaker 2: Tropical Islands!
In this update, Mr. Monkey continues his adventures in the Tropical Islands! If you have completed the Jungle, you can now start the Tropical Island stages from the World Map.
For Egg Breaker 1 players, we have added bonus trophies for completing Egg Breaker 1, and the option to spend you Egg Breaker Credits in game. Check the EB1 Bonus tab for details.
We have also made a number of fixes and will continue to be improving things based on player feedback!