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November 20th, 2014
Please Hold for an Important Announcement: 

A Note From Kitty's Scratchpad:
Hey everyone!

I wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow (Fri Nov 21) will be my last day at Codename. I have accepted an opportunity which will be taking me along new (but familiar) directions. I want to thank CNE for allowing me the opportunity to work with them for the last year and for taking a chance on me.

To you, our dear community, I thank you for the honour and privilege of having worked with and served as your voice here at the studio for the last year. I have enjoyed our time together immensely, and I will absolutely miss seeing everyone in chat and on the forums. Probably most surprisingly, I'll miss reading through everyone's thoughts and comments from the event feedback, from pet requests (bunnies!) to suggested improvements, your thoughts and feedback help us shape games that we want to make, and you want to play.

Be patient with who comes next (it could be you - we're hiring!). They will do things differently. But I am confident that whomever they are, they will serve you with the passion and dedication that everyone at Codename does.

See you online!

*Sandstorm intensifies as Kittychix poofs*

First off, we want to congratulate Chloe on her new role. She has brought a lot to our community and studio. She will be missed! However, our sadness is lessened by the knowledge that she is going to an exciting new opportunity. We wish her all the best.

Community is incredibly important to us here at Codename - it is one of the four pillars of our studio model! So while we search for that next 'great fit', we want to explain how best to get your issues and feedback heard.

Bush Whacker 2 & Egg Breaker Adventures:
  • Blog updates for BW2 and EBA will continue as normal - got a question? Check these first! They often include the information you're looking for

  • Found a bug or an issue? Open a support ticket! We will still check the CNE forums and game chats as time/resources permits, but the most direct way to get support is via the in-game Help/Support Ticket system

  • Not sure about a quest unlock during an event? Facebook updates will still be created, so you can always see what's been unlocked in a BW2 or EBA event!

  • Have a suggestion for Events or for BW2 or EBA in general? Include them in the Event Feedback Surveys! This are read after each event, and we make changes *directly* because of this feedback. Don't like something? Let us know! Like something? Let us know that too! We love making games, but we love to make games that YOU love to play. Share your thoughts with us and YOU can help US make these games better!

Shards of Titan:
  • Got feedback or found a bug? Keep posting to the forums! We are reading your feedback daily while we work, so your posts are being read, if not always directly replied to

  • Having issues with your account? Open a support ticket directly from the top of the game window!

  • As we settle into more regular updates and add more content, we will begin producing formal updates for both content and change logs. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on both of these!

And now we return you to your regularly scheduled gaming!
November 7th, 2014
Achivement Unlocked: Extra Life is Wrapped! 

Our goal was 25 hours, and $3000.

We survived the first and SMASHED through our initial fundraising goal to earn just shy of $7000 by days end!

Without a doubt, we could not have achieved these goals in just three short weeks without the incredible support of our friends, family and you, our unfailing community.

October 25 dawned early (for a weekend), and saw most of the "morning crew" in by 9 am. With some minor technical issues since this was our first time steaming in the office, we started our morning with a rousing game of Cards Against Humanity. We ran through our schedule of games/events over the next 25 hours and wrapped up on Sunday at 10 am - thanks Daylight Savings for adding an additional hour! Extra Life is incredible in its ability to bring together seemingly unconnected communities; we had people participate through donations, encouragement via our various game chats and Twitch stream, and dropping by our office. We even got a special delivery of Alexander Keith's all the way from Halifax - Thanks JPL! ;)

Our marathon's caffine count:

Our efforts have placed us within the top fundraisers for BC Children's Hospital for this year, and ViATEC named us Tectorian(s) of the Week!

For interested Bush Whacker players: You can still donate if you're interested and be immortalized in our next area expansion. This option remains open until the end of the 2014 calendar, when the 2014 Extra Life drive closes. For any players who donated on other CNE member's profiles: Justin will honour your donation as well, so please comment on Justin's page with how you'd like your character to appear. Thank you for supporting all of us!!

Our CEO, Eric Jordan shared these thoughts:

Not only was this a great experience for us as a company (and for me personally), but we learned a lot and have a bunch of ideas for how we can do even better next year!

Some of my personal highlights:

- Having both of my sons in attendance for much of the event; my youngest even managed to stay up most of the night! Not only was this a bonding experience for us, but it was great way to introduce them to helping charities (especially a children's hospital).

- Dancing to "Mickey" on the live stream - Shards of Titan has a funny reference to the 80s song "Mickey." Our players wanted to watch us dance and so we said that we would if our team donations went over $6K. The players got together and we very quickly exceeded $6K.

- Connecting so many different communities together for a great cause - It was a tremendously rewarding experience that I honestly have some trouble putting into words.

- Games, games and more games - Playing so many games was great, even if my abilities dropped dramatically as I got more and more tired. As a side note, I found it very cruel to play a game called The Long Dark and to see my character get to sleep in the game, but I needed to stay awake in real life. At least when I played our new game, Shards of Titan, I didn't have to watch my character sleep. Evidently, characters in our game never get sleepy.

Thank you so much everyone for supporting us. With all the fun we were having it could have been easy to forget that it was all for the kids, but your generous donations kept us on track and helped as far surpass our original fundraising goal! Thank you!