November 20th, 2019
Codename Extra Life 2019 
Posted in Codename News.

Welcome Back, Extra Life!

It's that time of the year again - and we're not talking about Christmas, though Christmas is pretty great - it's time for Codename Entertainment Extra Life 2019!

For those who may not know, Extra Life is a wonderful program set up to raise donations for Children's Miracle Network hospitals. The money raised is donated as unrestricted funds for hospitals to use as needed. But the best part? We can help by doing what we love to do: gaming!

For more information about the Extra Life program, check out their FAQ.

What's the Plan for 2019?

The Codename Entertainment team will be playing all kinds of games, including TRPG games, board games, card games, and of course, video games.

You can donate in-game or from the Extra Life page of any of our currently supported games. Check out their pages for more details! Plus more! Also, you can check out the Codename Entertainment Extra Life page here.

When do you Start?

We have time-gated our stream to this coming weekend, starting on Friday, November 22nd, at 9am PST and running for 24 hours until Saturday, November 23rd at 9am PST. You'll be able to watch the event in all its glory over on the Codename Entertainment Twitch.

Once again, you can find all our info and more over on the Codename Entertainment Extra Life Team Page.

Wish us luck surviving again!