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September 4th, 2024
Idle Champions: Highharvestide 8 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    Faerûn's Savage Frontier has no shortage of dangers, but that hasn't stopped the citizens of Triboar from carving out a living in this picturesque stretch of fertile northern farmland.

    This year, however, the people of Triboar are in need of aid. As the Highharvestide Festival approaches, bandits have begun causing trouble for farmers attempting to bring in their harvests, and it's up to the Champions to put an end to it!

Highharvestide 8 marks the beginning of Year 8 Events in Idle Champions and the beginning of Idle Champions 7th Anniversary Celebration! That's not confusing, is it?

But wait, there's more -- today also marks the launch of our latest Saturday Morning Squad member: Bobby the Barbarian!

Bobby is the first of the Featured Champions for Highharvestide 8, with the second, Rosie Beestinger, launching on Wednesday, September 11. Rosie's rework has been a long time coming, and we are excited to finally share with you what we've done.

Read on to learn more about Highharvestide 8 and the 7th Anniversary Celebration!

7th Anniversary Celebration

Dungeons & Dragons 7th Anniversary Celebration Harvestguard Presto


We are excited to be celebrating the 7th Anniversary of Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms along with the launch of our first Year 8 Event. Huge thanks to everyone who has helped Idle Champions along the journey so far - and be sure to log in daily for the next week to unlock your free daily rewards!

Players who unlock at least four of the daily rewards during the 7th Anniversary Celebration will unlock Presto (if he hasn't been unlocked yet) along with the Harvestguard Presto Skin, 3 Gold Presto Chests, and an Epic Feat!

Featured Champions

Bobby the Barbarian

Dungeons & Dragons Bobby the Barbarian Saturday Morning Squad

    Bobby is the youngest of the group that was transported to the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons. As a brave and loyal Barbarian, he wields a powerful magical club that enhances his strength. Bobby has close ties to his sister Sheila and his pet unicorn, Uni. Despite his impulsiveness, Bobby's courage and determination are key assets in the search to find the way back home.

Learn more about Bobby in his Champion Spotlight. Bobby arrives today with the launch of Highharvestide!

Rosie Beestinger

Dungeons & Dragons Rosie Beestinger Acquisitions Incorporated The C Team Kate Welch

    Weighing in at just under 30 pounds and with a grandmotherly demeanor befitting her advanced age, Rosie Beestinger is easily mistaken for someone on the wrong side of the 'aggressor/victim' relationship. But this is a mix-up that few people make more than once.

Learn about Rosie's upcoming rebalance in her 2024 Champion Spotlight launching on Friday, September 6. The Rosie Rebalance arrives on Wednesday, September 11 at the beginning of Highharvestide Week 2.

Flex Champions

Flex Slots allow players to unlock additional Champions and earn chests during events, choosing from a pool of retired Champions associated with the event. This collection of retired Champions includes the Champions from previous years of the event as well as some Champions whose events have been retired. This event's Flex Slot pool includes:
Certainty Dran

Event Augments

  • Augment 1: M-M-M-ulti-Tier
    Description: Completing an event variant in a high enough area will award multiple tiers of progress.
  • Augment 2: Boon Enhancements
    Description: Boons obtained during this event last until the beginning of the next event (October 2nd), rather than expiring when the event ends.
  • Augment 3: Future Boons
    Description: If you obtain an event boon in this event, you'll start the next event (Liar's Night) with a level 1 event boon as well.
  • Augment 4: Worth The Wait
    Description: Rebalanced Champion Rosie will unlock at the start of week two, and completing her tier 2+ variants awards double chests!

Feedback Wanted!

We want to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions! Your participation and feedback have brought us this far, and we would love to have you join our community on one of our official platforms:

August 30th, 2024
Idle Champion Spotlight: Bobby 
Posted in Idle Champions.

    Bobby is the youngest of the group that was transported to the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons. As a brave and loyal Barbarian, he wields a powerful magical club that enhances his strength. Bobby has close ties to his sister Sheila and his pet unicorn, Uni. Despite his impulsiveness, Bobby's courage and determination are key assets in the search to find the way back home.

Bobby is a DPS and Support character who prefers to be on the front-line. Regardless of whether he's used as a damage dealer or to buff your formation, his abilities are increased for each column behind him. He can also help your formation find more Scales of Tiamat. Once unlocked, you can find this daring Human Barbarian in Seat 12 (Arkhan).

Read on to learn more...

Bobby the Barbarian

Male (He/Him)
Chaotic Good
DPS / Support
Saturday Morning Squad
Patron Eligibility: Mirt, Elminster (until September 4th, 2027)


Basic Attack

  • Thunder Club (Melee) - Bobby swings his club at the closest enemy.

Formation Abilities

  • Critical Hit - Bobby's base chance to Critical Hit is 20%.
  • Charge Into Battle - Bobby increases his damage by 100% for each column behind him, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Uni, the Unicorn - Uni takes her place next to Bobby. Uni (in Bobby's slot) increases the damage of Bobby and all other Champions next to her by 100%. If Uni is in Dungeon Master's formation slot, this is further increased by 400%.
  • Now We're Talking - Whenever Bobby lands a Critical Hit, the effect of Charge Into Battle is increased by 100%, stacking multiplicatively up to 10 times and resetting when changing areas.
  • Scales of Tiamat Scavenger - Bobby can help scavenge up to (5,000 + 150/day) additional Scales of Tiamat when killing bosses. While this cap is not reached, Bobby has a 10% chance of scavenging 10 Scales of Tiamat each time a boss is defeated. The cap increases by 150 every day.

Specializations A

  • Stunning Strength - Bobby increases his damage by 100%. When Bobby scores a Critical Hit, the enemies are also knocked back and stunned for 5 seconds.
  • Group Charge - Bobby's Charge Into Battle now also increases the damage of all Champions behind Bobby by 100% of the buff it provides to Bobby.

Specializations B

  • Not So Low - Bobby increases the effect of his first Specialization choice by 100% for each Champion in the formation with a total ability score of 78 or less, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Still Growing Up - Bobby increases the effect of his first Specialization choice by 100% for each Champion in the formation that is 20 years old or younger, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Strong Armed - Bobby increases the effect of his first Specialization choice by 100% for each Champion in the formation with a Strength of 15 or higher, stacking multiplicatively.

Ultimate Ability

  • Bobby-quake - Bobby strikes the ground with his club, knocking all enemies up and back and stunning them for 5 seconds.


Global DPS Buff
Charge Into Battle Buff
Uni, the Unicorn Buff
Buffs Specialization A
Buffs Specialization B
Ultimate Cooldown Buff


  • Tavern Brawler
    Increases the damage of Bobby by 30%
  • Tactical Prowess
    Additively increases the Crit Chance of Bobby by 5%
  • Selflessness
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 10%
  • Lead the Party
    Increases the effect of Bobby's Charge Into Battle ability by 20%
  • Oh, Uni!
    Increases the effect of Bobby's Uni, the Unicorn ability by 20%
  • Grappler
    Increases damage of Bobby by 60%
  • Battle Expertise
    Additively increases the Crit Chance of Bobby by 10%.
  • Cataclysmic Strike
    Increases the Crit Damage of Bobby by 60%
  • Inspiring Leader
    Increases the damage of all Champions by 25%
  • Lead the Charge
    Increases the effect of Bobby's Charge Into Battle ability by 40%
  • Uni, Watch Out!
    Increases the base damage of of Bobby's Uni, the Unicorn ability by 40%
  • A Magical Friend
    Increases damage boost Bobby's Uni, the Unicorn ability receives when Uni is in Dungeon Master's slot by 40%
  • Barbarian Confidence
    Increases the effect of Bobby's Now We're Talking ability by 40%
  • Rage!
    Increases the effect of Bobby's Stunning Strength and Group Charge specializations by 40%
  • Playground Rules
    Increases the effect of Bobby's Not So Low, Still Growing Up, and Strong Armed Specializations by 40%
  • Lead the Unicorns
    Increases the effect of Bobby's Charge Into Battle ability by 80%
    Available in the Harvestguard Bobby Theme Pack
  • Barbarian Strength
    Increases the max stacks of Now We're Talking by 100%
    Unlockable as a Tier 3 Event Reward

We Want YOUR Feedback

What do you think of our Saturday Morning Squad so far? Are you as excited as we are to add Bobby the Barbarian to your formations?

Join the discussion on the official Idle Champions Discord or the Idle Champions Subreddit!
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