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May 23rd, 2024
Idle Champions: Introducing Champion Search! 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Get ready to level up your formation building because we're here to provide a sneak peek at a system update coming to the game on May 29th: Champion Search! With Champion Search, you will be able to quickly filter through over 140 Champions in the game to perfectly fit your formation needs.

Read on to learn more!

Champion Search

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

The Champion Search was designed to help players sort through the Champions available based on a variety of filters. For example, when you encounter a tough Adventure Variant that restricts the use of certain Champions, such as a Variant that allows Only Evil Champions, players have long asked for a quick and easy way to find the right Champions. Currently, this would require clicking through all seats and all available Champions, looking at each Champion's Character Sheet to find out what their alignment is.

With the release of Champion Search, it will be as easy as clicking a check box!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

How It Works

To get to Champion Search, simply go to swap a Champion as you normally would and click the new Search button at the bottom of the pop-up. On the Champion Search screen, you can filter your options and select new Champions to add to your bench. Once you are done, just click Apply in the upper right and when you return to the main game, your bench will have the Champions you selected ready to add to your formation!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Current Adventure

Many Adventure Variants have more than one restriction. Rather than trying to remember all of the restrictions when looking for Champions, there is a handy check box labeled Current Adventure. Selecting that will show you only the Champions that are available for the adventure you are currently on with all restrictions in mind!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Search By Name

Can you remember a Champion's name, but not what seat they are in? Just search for the Champion directly by name! Best of all, this search bar sorts as you type - so you don't even need to remember how to spell Xerophon's full name!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search


You might have a Champion that works well with more of their own class, you want to make a party of all tieflings, or maybe you don't want to see any more Tanks when evaluating who else to add to the formation. There are a whole host of filter options you can choose from to curate the Champions you're seeing in the Champion Search. It could be something as easy as a single alignment, or it could be as complicated as wanting to find all of the Support, Human, Male, Good, Champions that work with Patron Vajra!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Equipment Rarity

Adventure Variants aren't the only time you might want to use Champion Search. If a player is hitting a particularly difficult boss and wants to find Champions with a higher rarity of equipment, there is a slider that will filter through each rarity, showing Champions that have at least that level of rarity across all 6 equipment slots. Champion's portraits in the Champion Search will also be outlined in that rarity's color to make it easier to find the better-geared Champions at a glance!

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Ability Scores & Age

Some Adventure Variants and Champion Abilities need specific Ability Scores and/or Ages. Champion Search has sliders for each Ability Score - as well as Total Ability Score (TOT) - and ages 0 to 500+! You'll be able to set each of these to specific numbers and find the perfect Champion for what you need.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search


It may be overwhelming to see so many Champions as a new player and wonder where you need to go to unlock them. Luckily, Champion Search has those players covered. Clicking on a Champion that you do not own will bring up a pop-up that tells you where you can recruit that Champion. For instance, if you were to click on Astarion, the pop-up would tell you that he can be recruited in Brightswords and how many days until that event returns. If that event is actively happening, there will be a button to take you right to the Event screen! It will also show you how he can be purchased in the in-game store or unlocked via a Time Gate, with buttons to take you to each option.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

For Evergreen Champions that are unlocked via Adventure Variants, the pop-up will tell you exactly where you can unlock them. If a player wants to unlock Blooshi, for instance, the pop-up would direct you to the Bully for You! Variant in The Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign.

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search


To make the list of Champions easier to parse as you are looking through them, there are sorting options for each seat at the bottom. One is for Ownership, letting you choose between All, Owned, and Unowned. The other lets you sort Champions by Name (A-Z or Z-A), Item Level (ascending or descending), Equipment Rarity (Common-Legendary or Legendary-Common), and Release Date (2017-Present or Present-2017).

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Mouseover Details

Lastly, we have added a new mouseover feature that appears in both the Champion Search screen, as well as the swap options screen. Mousing over a Champion's portrait in those windows will now show important information about that Champion. These include Ability Scores, Gender, Race, Class, Overwhelm, Alignment, Age, Role(s), and Affiliation(s).

Dungeons & Dragons Idle Champions Champion Search

Champion Search will release in Idle Champions on May 29th, 2024 at Noon PT.

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