Rust on the Harbour is the sweetest, nicest sellsword to ever be shot out of a cannon, and it was time we gave a new shine to his one gold piece. So read on to learn all about this terrific tabaxi and the changes we've made to make him even better!
I. Rust

- Rust on the Harbour is a former pirate who gave up a life at sea because it was far too wet. His deadly skills are in contrast to his sweet nature and short attention span, and he enjoys seeing others succeed even if they are supposed to be antagonists. Now trying life as an adventurer on land, he'll lend his roguish skills to anyone who can give him that which his heart desires most: one gold piece.
Rust is a Support and Gold Find Champion whose excitement to find coin helps the rest of the formation increase their gold find. When you need his assistance in the formation, he'll be counting his coin in seat 11 opposite Jamilah.
We are fortunate to get to work with a huge variety of liveplay D&D series, but it's a rare treat to be able to include the Dungeon Master as one of the Content Creators who bring a Champion to our game. So we're very happy that this Champion from the Oxventure crew from Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra comes from DM Johnny Chiodini! They created Rust as their character for a Saltmarsh campaign, and brought the supportive tabaxi in as an NPC for Oxventure to enjoy. Along with their impressive DM skills, Johnny has made content for Eurogamer, GameSpot, and Dicebreaker, and currently creates videos about tabletop and video games for their Patreon.
Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Rust's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!
II. Rust's Stats
Race: Tabaxi | Alignment: Neutral | |
Gender: Male | Pronouns: He/Him | |
Age: 23 | Affiliation: Oxventurers Guild | Class: Rogue |
STR: 12 | DEX: 18 | CON: 15 |
INT: 11 | WIS: 12 | CHA: 14 |
Role: Support, Gold Find
Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until August 7th, 2027)
Seat: 11 (Jamilah)

III. Rust's Abilities
Rust has received a rework that super charges his gold find build-around, especially the buffs he gives and how much better he is at holding on to his shiny gold piece. His new abilities let him affect the weather, decrease cooldowns, and generally provide more bonuses to his affiliation and his fellow gold find Champions!Basic Attack
Rust has two different attacks that he rotates through. He attacks once with Bang Bang, then drops his pistols and will attack with his Rapier three times before retrieving the pistols and starting over.- Bang Bang - Rust shoots a random enemy with his pistols, once from each pistol.
- Stabby Stabby - Rust leaps out and stabs a random enemy with his Rapier once.
Formation Abilities
- Hello, Friends! - Rust increases the damage of all Champions by 400% for each Champion in the formation with the Gold Find role or the Oxventurers Guild affiliation, stacking multiplicatively.
- One Gold Piece - Assuming Rust does not already have one, he has a 10% chance to find a shiny gold piece after any kill that drops gold (not just his own). Each time Rust finds a shiny gold piece he gains a Riches stack. Rust increases the effect of Hello, Friends by 10% for each Riches stack he has, stacking multiplicatively. Rust loses his shiny gold piece whenever you use his ultimate ability. Riches stacks are capped at the highest area unlocked / 5, rounded up.
- Rust For Hire - Rust increases your gold find by 400%.
- Highest Bidder - Rust increases the damage of all Champions by 100% for each order of magnitude of your Gold Find percentage, stacking multiplicatively.
- Rags to Riches - Whenever Rust is holding a shiny gold piece, increase the effect of Hello, Friends by 200%. Whenever Rust is NOT holding a shiny gold piece, increase the effect of Rust For Hire by 200%.
- Get Rich Quick - When Rust uses his ultimate, all other Champions with the Gold Find role or Oxventurers Guild affiliation have their remaining ultimate cooldowns reduced by 10%.
- Even More Riches - Increase the cap of One Gold Piece's Riches stacks by 20% for each Champion in the formation with the Gold Find role or Oxventurers Guild affiliation, stacking multiplicatively.
- Rust's Fever Dream - Whenever Rust uses his ultimate ability, the weather changes to "raining gold", causing gold coins to rain from the sky. You gain gold equal to 5% of a monster kill (including your gold find modifier) in the current area every second.
Ultimate Ability
- Cannonball! - Rust loads himself into a cannon and fires himself toward the enemies, dealing damage in a large area upon landing. If Rust has a shiny gold piece, he drops it while flying through the air.
IV. Rust's Epic Equipment
Slot 1: Global DPS |
Slot 2: One Gold Piece |
Slot 3: Rust For Hire |
Slot 4: Highest Bidder |
Slot 5: Hello, Friends |
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown |
V. Rust's Achievement and Adventure Variants
- What's Lost Is Found Again - Gain 300 of Rust's One Gold Piece Riches stacks in a single adventure.
Adventure Variants:
Gold Devourer - Rust increases your damage based on your total gold find. Use gold find buffing Champions in your formation to boost his support abilities!- Rust begins in the formation. He can't be moved or removed from the formation.
- The Devourer appears as a secondary boss on area 25. It must be defeated in order to advance.
- Gold Find is reduced by 99%.
- Gold Find is increased by 200% per Champion in formation with the Gold Find Tag.
- Area Goals:
- Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
- Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
- Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
- Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.
Deadwinter Drama
- Only Champions with CON of 14 or higher can be used.
- Every area, frozen skeleton archers that attack a random Champion from range appear. These enemies do not drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
- If any undead enemy attacks a Champion, that Champion is stunned for 1 second.
- Area Goals:
- Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
- Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
- Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
- Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.
Heads or Tails
- Rust begins in the formation with his One Gold Piece ability unlocked. He can't be moved or removed from the formation.
- When Rust is not holding his shiny gold piece, adjacent champions damage is disabled.
- When Rust is holding his shiny gold piece, non-adjacent champion damage is disabled.
- Area Goals:
- Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
- Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
- Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
- Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.
VI. Conclusion
Has Rust joined your gold find formations to gain even bigger rewards? Tell us all about it:- The Idle Champions Subreddit or Steam forums.
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- Our YouTube Channels: Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms and CNEGames.
- Our social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok!