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August 2nd, 2024
Idle Champion 2024 Spotlight: Rust on the Harbour 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Many are excited by the thrilling life of a pirate on the high sea. But all the swashbuckling skills in the world cannot help when you are afraid of water!

Rust on the Harbour is the sweetest, nicest sellsword to ever be shot out of a cannon, and it was time we gave a new shine to his one gold piece. So read on to learn all about this terrific tabaxi and the changes we've made to make him even better!

I. Rust

Dungeons & Dragons Rust

    Rust on the Harbour is a former pirate who gave up a life at sea because it was far too wet. His deadly skills are in contrast to his sweet nature and short attention span, and he enjoys seeing others succeed even if they are supposed to be antagonists. Now trying life as an adventurer on land, he'll lend his roguish skills to anyone who can give him that which his heart desires most: one gold piece.

Rust is a Support and Gold Find Champion whose excitement to find coin helps the rest of the formation increase their gold find. When you need his assistance in the formation, he'll be counting his coin in seat 11 opposite Jamilah.

We are fortunate to get to work with a huge variety of liveplay D&D series, but it's a rare treat to be able to include the Dungeon Master as one of the Content Creators who bring a Champion to our game. So we're very happy that this Champion from the Oxventure crew from Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra comes from DM Johnny Chiodini! They created Rust as their character for a Saltmarsh campaign, and brought the supportive tabaxi in as an NPC for Oxventure to enjoy. Along with their impressive DM skills, Johnny has made content for Eurogamer, GameSpot, and Dicebreaker, and currently creates videos about tabletop and video games for their Patreon.

Check out our Champion Spotlight Video embedded below for a quick overview of Rust's abilities, and read on to get all of the details!

II. Rust's Stats

Race: Tabaxi Alignment: Neutral
Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 23 Affiliation: Oxventurers Guild Class: Rogue

STR: 12 DEX: 18 CON: 15
INT: 11 WIS: 12 CHA: 14

Role: Support, Gold Find
Eligible for Patrons: Vajra, Zariel, Elminster (until August 7th, 2027)
Seat: 11 (Jamilah)

Dungeons & Dragons Rust Masquerade

III. Rust's Abilities

Rust has received a rework that super charges his gold find build-around, especially the buffs he gives and how much better he is at holding on to his shiny gold piece. His new abilities let him affect the weather, decrease cooldowns, and generally provide more bonuses to his affiliation and his fellow gold find Champions!

Basic Attack

Rust has two different attacks that he rotates through. He attacks once with Bang Bang, then drops his pistols and will attack with his Rapier three times before retrieving the pistols and starting over.
  • Bang Bang - Rust shoots a random enemy with his pistols, once from each pistol.
  • Stabby Stabby - Rust leaps out and stabs a random enemy with his Rapier once.

Formation Abilities

  • Hello, Friends! - Rust increases the damage of all Champions by 400% for each Champion in the formation with the Gold Find role or the Oxventurers Guild affiliation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • One Gold Piece - Assuming Rust does not already have one, he has a 10% chance to find a shiny gold piece after any kill that drops gold (not just his own). Each time Rust finds a shiny gold piece he gains a Riches stack. Rust increases the effect of Hello, Friends by 10% for each Riches stack he has, stacking multiplicatively. Rust loses his shiny gold piece whenever you use his ultimate ability. Riches stacks are capped at the highest area unlocked / 5, rounded up.
  • Rust For Hire - Rust increases your gold find by 400%.
  • Highest Bidder - Rust increases the damage of all Champions by 100% for each order of magnitude of your Gold Find percentage, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Rags to Riches - Whenever Rust is holding a shiny gold piece, increase the effect of Hello, Friends by 200%. Whenever Rust is NOT holding a shiny gold piece, increase the effect of Rust For Hire by 200%.


  • Get Rich Quick - When Rust uses his ultimate, all other Champions with the Gold Find role or Oxventurers Guild affiliation have their remaining ultimate cooldowns reduced by 10%.
  • Even More Riches - Increase the cap of One Gold Piece's Riches stacks by 20% for each Champion in the formation with the Gold Find role or Oxventurers Guild affiliation, stacking multiplicatively.
  • Rust's Fever Dream - Whenever Rust uses his ultimate ability, the weather changes to "raining gold", causing gold coins to rain from the sky. You gain gold equal to 5% of a monster kill (including your gold find modifier) in the current area every second.

Ultimate Ability

  • Cannonball! - Rust loads himself into a cannon and fires himself toward the enemies, dealing damage in a large area upon landing. If Rust has a shiny gold piece, he drops it while flying through the air.

IV. Rust's Epic Equipment

Slot 1: Global DPS
Slot 2: One Gold Piece
Slot 3: Rust For Hire
Slot 4: Highest Bidder
Slot 5: Hello, Friends
Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

V. Rust's Achievement and Adventure Variants


  • What's Lost Is Found Again - Gain 300 of Rust's One Gold Piece Riches stacks in a single adventure.

Adventure Variants:

Gold Devourer - Rust increases your damage based on your total gold find. Use gold find buffing Champions in your formation to boost his support abilities!
  • Rust begins in the formation. He can't be moved or removed from the formation.
  • The Devourer appears as a secondary boss on area 25. It must be defeated in order to advance.
  • Gold Find is reduced by 99%.
  • Gold Find is increased by 200% per Champion in formation with the Gold Find Tag.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 75.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 250.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 600.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1200.

Deadwinter Drama
  • Only Champions with CON of 14 or higher can be used.
  • Every area, frozen skeleton archers that attack a random Champion from range appear. These enemies do not drop gold, nor do they count towards quest progress.
  • If any undead enemy attacks a Champion, that Champion is stunned for 1 second.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 125.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 350.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 800.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1400.

Heads or Tails
  • Rust begins in the formation with his One Gold Piece ability unlocked. He can't be moved or removed from the formation.
  • When Rust is not holding his shiny gold piece, adjacent champions damage is disabled.
  • When Rust is holding his shiny gold piece, non-adjacent champion damage is disabled.
  • Area Goals:
    • Tier 1: Complete Area 175.
    • Tier 2: Complete Area 450.
    • Tier 3: Complete Area 1000.
    • Tier 4: Complete Area 1600.

VI. Conclusion

Has Rust joined your gold find formations to gain even bigger rewards? Tell us all about it:
September 6th, 2023
Idle Champions: Brightswords 6 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Seeking rest and respite from a year of adventure, the Champions arrive in the tranquil town of Longsaddle - only to find it under siege! Drow from the Underdark are on the hunt in Longsaddle for a Harpell artifact, and it's a race against time to find it before they do...

Brightswords 6 introduces Astarion, the vampire rogue from the recently released Baldur's Gate 3, and brings back Dob the upbeat, half-orc bard from The Oxventure crew, as well as Dob's teammate Corazón de Ballena, the dashing Human Pirate. Players have until Monday, September 18th at 12PM PDT to complete their event unlocks and objectives.

I. Astarion

    Astarion prowled the night as a vampire spawn for centuries, serving a sadistic master until he was snatched away by the Mind Flayers. Now he can walk in the light and has the chance at a new life, but how long can he keep his past buried?

Astarion is a support and gold find Champion who likes to sink his teeth into tough problems. As a rogue, he knows how to outflank his foes, increasing the damage of Champions on the edge of the formation. If that includes him, he'll help the rest of your formation recharge their ultimates just a bit faster. Once unlocked, you can find this high elf in Slot 10 opposite Tyril. For more information on Dob and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

Year Six Variants

Grab a Quick Bite - Help the Harpells track down a lost artifact with Astarion!!
  • Astarion joins the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
  • Only Champions in the top or bottom slot of each column can deal damage.
  • Getting to know Astarion: Astarion's specialization can increase the damage of Champions on the top or bottom edge of the formation. Make the best choice for your formation!
  • Reach Area 75.

Fangs and Fortune - Help the Harpells track down a lost artifact with your oldest Champions.
  • Astarion joins the formation. He can be moved, but not removed.
  • You may only use Champions that are 50 years old or older.
  • Getting to know Astarion: Astarion's gold find bonus increases as you include older Champions. Use your oldest Champions to get the biggest boost!
  • Reach Area 125.

Fangs for the Memories - Help the Harpells track down a lost artifact with Champions with long ultimate cooldowns.
  • Astarion joins the formation with The Ultimate Outflank ability unlocked. He can be moved, but not removed.
  • You may only use Champions with a base Ultimate cooldown duration of 300 seconds or longer.
  • Getting to know Astarion: When Astarion is buffed by his own Outflank ability, he can reduce the ultimate cooldown duration of other Champions in the formation.
  • Reach Area 175.

We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

August 16th, 2023
Idle Champions: Ahghairon's Day 6 
Posted in Idle Champions.

Each year the citizens of Waterdeep celebrate Ahghairon's Day, honoring the first Open Lord of Waterdeep and the founder of the Lords of Waterdeep. Common folk leave violets and effigies at Ahghairon's Tower and the House of Wonder, Lords toast Ahghairon and the Watchful Order, and Guildmasters offer toasts in the name of the Lords.

For this year's festivities, the party has received an assignment from the Open Lord of Waterdeep, Laeral Silverhand and when the Open Lord calls, you must answer...

Ahghairon's Day 6 brings Lae'zel, the Githyanki fighter from Baldur's Gate 3, and brings back Voronika, the Eladrin Druid from Black Dice Society and Prudence, the Chaotic Evil Tiefling Warlock of the Oxventurer's Guild. Players have until Monday, August 28th at 12PM PDT to complete their event unlocks and objectives.

I. Lae'zel

    Lae'zel is a ferocious Githyanki warrior, mighty even by the standards of her mind flayer-hunting kind. Faced with transforming into the very monster she's sworn to destroy, Lae'zel must prove herself worthy of rejoining her people – if they don't execute her first.

Lae'zel is a Support, Speed, and DPS Champion that can complete areas early when other Champions are defeating enemies. She increases the damage of Champions in her column, and her specialization choice defines what type of fighter she is. Once unlocked, you can find this Githyanki Fighter in Slot 2 opposite Celeste.

For more information on Lae'zel and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

Year Six Variants

Together, We Might Survive - Help Laeral Silverhand track down a retired Open Lord with Lae'zel!
  • Lae'zel starts in the formation. She can't be moved or removed.
  • Only Champions in Lae'zel's column (including her) can deal damage.
  • Getting to know Lae'zel: Lae'zel increases the damage of all champions in her column, including herself. Place your champions to best take advantage of this!
  • Reach Area 75.

Speed Run - Help Laeral Silverhand track down a retired Open Lord while quickly defeating your foes!
  • Lae'zel starts in the formation with her Straight to the Point ability unlocked. She can't be moved or removed.
  • You may only use Champions with a base attack cooldown of 5 seconds or faster.
  • Getting to know Lae'zel: Lae'zel is impatient when facing weak foes. She'll occasionally skip the rest of an area when the enemies aren't challenging enough!
  • Reach Area 125.

Destroy the Ghaik! - Help Laeral Silverhand track down a retired Open Lord with the help of the tastiest brains.
  • Lae'zel starts in the formation with her Lethal Coordination and Aberration Hunter abilities unlocked. She can't be moved or removed.
  • You may only use Champions with an Intelligence of 13 or higher.
  • A Mind Flayer spawns with each wave. They don't drop gold nor do they count for quest progress.
  • Getting to know Lae'zel: Aberrations like Mind Flayers are Lae'zel's favored foe. Her main buff increases as more of them spawn!
  • Reach Area 175.

We would love to hear about your experiences in Idle Champions on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

June 7th, 2023
Idle Champions: Dragondown 6 
Posted in Idle Champions.

At the mouth of the River Mirar in the northwest of the Sword Coast lies the port city of Luskan, also known as the City of Sails. Officially governed by the five High Captains, Luskan is actually secretly run by Jarlaxle Baenre and the Bregan D'aerthe.

And they need your help.

While celebrating the Summer Solstice with a smaller scale version of Waterdeep's Dragondown festival, Luskan has managed to draw the attention - and the wrath - of a Bronze Dragon and their kin...

Dragondown 6 introduces BBEG, the Drow Necromancer villain from Deerstalker Picture's 1 for All, and brings back Merilwen, the Wood Elf Ranger from Oxventurers Guild and Selise Astorio, Human Paladin of the Rivals of Waterdeep. Players have until Monday, June 19th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Dragondown 6 unlocks and objectives.

New Champion: BBEG

    BBEG is the Big Bad Evil Guy, a Drow necromancer who believes immaculate planning will always lead to success. Unfortunately, his constant failures contradict this conviction. BBEG likes to monologue and taunt his opponents, leaving his summoned zombies to engage directly in combat.

BBEG is a support and speed Champion that chews the scenery so much he breaks through the 4th wall. As the Big Bad Evil Guy of the Awful Ones campaign, this necromancer stands back and lets his less intelligent zombie minions do the hard work. His strength lies in being able to railroad the Champions through to more exciting parts of the adventure. Once unlocked, you can find this Drow necromancer in Slot 3 opposite Nayeli.

For more information on BBEG and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

Year Six Variants

Roll For INT-ish-a-tive!: Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon with a very angry BBEG. BBEG starts in the formation (Slot 5) and can be moved, but not removed. You may only use BBEG and/or Champions with an Intelligence of 12 or lower.
  • Reach Area 75.

  • Herding Cats: Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon and a bunch of cats. BBEG starts in the formation (Slot 5) and can be moved, but not removed. Every second, a cat spawns and moves toward a random champion. When the cat reaches the champion, they are stunned for 3 seconds because of overwhelming cuteness. The cats can't be attacked. Stunned Champions cannot attack, but their formation abilities remain enabled.
  • Reach Area 125.

  • It Was Me All Along!: Attempt to calm down a very angry bronze dragon with BBEG's favorite meat shields! BBEG starts in the formation (Slot 5) and can be moved, but not removed. You may only use Lawful Champions, Evil Champions, or Champions with a total ability score of 78 or less.
  • Reach Area 175.

  • Much more detail and information can be found in the game! Enjoy!
    September 23rd, 2022
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Egbert 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    "I'll do my best, but no promises. But I'll do my best. But no promises!"

    Finding atonement for past deeds can lead people in many different directions. Egbert stumbled into a life of adventure with the Oxventurers, and now uses his paladin powers to try to keep the team safe, even as he's impulsively running into danger first! He now joins fellow members Dob, Merilwen, Rust on the Harbour, Corazón and Prudence in the Idle Champions roster during Higharvestide 6.

    I. Egbert

    Dungeons & Dragons Egbert Key Art
      Clumsy but well-meaning, Egbert the Dragonborn Paladin was summarily booted out of his Paladin order after a terrible incident he doesn’t like to talk about. Setting out on his quest for atonement with a new deity in tow, La Vache Mauve, he falls in with the Oxventurers Guild and, by his reckoning, questing with them offers as good a chance as any of guiding him towards absolution. Often impulsive, he very rarely plans beyond his initial moment of ‘inspiration’ but his heart’s in the right place. Well, at least until he next rushes into battle, trips into a spike pit and it ends up kebabbed on a skewer…

    Egbert is a Tanking, Support, Healing, and Gold Find Champion who seeks atonement after being kicked out of his Paladin order. Does he make amends for is past transgressions, or will his companions lead him astray? He can be added to the formation by swapping him out with Minsc (Slot 7).

    II. Egbert's Stats

    Race: Dragonborn Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Class: Paladin Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: 24
    Affiliation: Oxventurers Guild

    STR: 18 DEX: 14 CON: 14
    INT: 10 WIS: 8 CHA: 18

    Role: Tanking, Support, Healing, Gold Find
    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Zariel
    Slot: 7 (Minsc)

    III. Egbert's Design

    Dungeons & Dragons Egbert gif

    Mike Channell is the latest member of the Oxventurers crew that we have had the pleasure to work with! This automotive enthusiast and racing driver fan is a writer and presenter for Outside Xbox, who can drive a race car both in videogames and in real life. While we couldn't fit Ginetta G40 into our formations, it was great fun to bring his dragonborn paladin into Idle Champions!

    Egbert constantly struggles to Atone for the Past, but it can be difficult when he spends so much time with his chaotic friends. He gains Atonement points for every lawful Champion in the formation, and loses them for every chaotic Champion. Fortunately his damage buff is based on the number of Atonement points he has squared! That means filling the formation with his Oxventurers crew will push his Atonement points into the negative, but his buff will still be in the positive!

    Many of his other abilities use the absolute value of the number of Atonement points Egbert has, so once again the goal is to maximize the number of lawful or chaotic Champions in the formation. That will push that number as high as it can go, either positive or negative! That absolute value will affect how much healing he will offer the most damaged Champion when he uses Lay On Hands, how much he increases the health of all other Champions with his Friendly Protection, and how much more gold find his Golden Scales will provide. He'll also increase the effect of Atone for the Past for each enemy on screen because he believes the More the Merrier.

    Egbert's first specialization determines if neutral Champions will add or subtract from his Atonement points. His second specialization lets him focus more on support, healing, or gold find. For his normal attack, Egbert always has some Homemade Bombs to throw at the nearest enemy. But when things get dire and he needs more than just bombs, he can seek divine intervention from La Vache Mauve! This Ultimate attack causes the epic sight of La Vache Mauve to appear in the sky, inspiring the Champions to do more damage and forcing the enemies to take more damage!

    IV. Egbert's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Homemade Bombs - Egbert lights the fuse of a bomb with a puff of fire from his mouth and throws it at the nearest enemy. It explodes, dealing 1 hit to all enemies in a small area and knocking them back a short distance

    Formation Abilities

    • Atone for the Past - Egbert has a number of Atonement points equal to the number of lawful Champions in the formation minus the number of chaotic Champions in the formation, not including Egbert himself. Egbert increases the damage of all Champions behind him by +100% times the number of Atonement points he has squared.
    • Lay On Hands - After Egbert makes a base attack, if there is a Champion below 50% hit points (including himself), he heals the most damaged Champion for 10 times the absolute value of the number of Atonement points he has.
    • Friendly Protection - Egbert increases the health of all other Champions by 5% of his max health multiplied by the absolute value of the number of Atonement points he has.
    • More the Merrier - Egbert increases the effect of Atone for the Past by 100% for each enemy on the screen and each point of enemy/boss enrage, stacking additively and then applying multiplicatively.
    • Golden Scales - Egbert increases the global gold find by 100% times the absolute value of the number of Atonement points he has.


    Egbert's first specialization determines if neutral Champions, on the lawful/chaotic axis, add or subtract to Egbert's Atonement points.
    • Atonement Begins with an Apology - The number of neutral Champions, on the lawful/chaotic axis, in the formation is added to Egbert's Atonement points.
    • Team Chaos Team - The number of neutral Champions, on the lawful/chaotic axis, in the formation is subtracted from Egbert's Atonement points.
    Egbert's second specialization determines if he focuses on support, healing, or gold find.
    • Smoky Bombs - Egbert's bombs now also create smoke clouds that lasts for 10 seconds. Enemies in one or more smoke clouds have a 50% chance to miss with their attack and take an additional +400% damage from attacks.
    • Health Kick - Egbert's Lay On Hands targets the two most damaged Champions and the amount of healing is increased by 100%.
    • Oxventure Capitalism - Egbert increases the effect of Golden Scales by 100% for each Oxventures affiliation member in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.

    Ultimate Ability

    • La Vache Mauve - Clouds come down from the top of the screen and part, revealing the sun which rotates to reveal the head of La Vache Mauve. Radiant light shines out and illuminates the area. Enemies take ultimate damage, and the Champions deal +1000% damage for 20 seconds.

    V. Egbert's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Gold Find Increase
    Slot 3: Health Increase
    Slot 4: Atone for the Past
    Slot 5: Second Specialization Increase
    Slot 6: Ultimate Attack

    VI. Conclusion

    Will you surround Egbert with lawful Champions so he can find the atonement he's searching for? Or will he enjoy formations filled with the Oxventurers crew? We're excited to hear all about how much you are enjoying having Egbert in your formations on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    August 24th, 2022
    Idle Champions: Brightswords 5 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    Seeking rest and respite from a year of adventure, the Champions arrive in the tranquil town of Longsaddle - only to find it under siege! Drow from the Underdark are on the hunt in Longsaddle for a Harpell artifact, and it's a race against time to find it before they do...

    Brightswords 5 introduces Dob the upbeat, half-orc bard from The Oxventure crew, and brings back his teammate Corazón de Ballena, the dashing Human Pirate, and Lazaapz, the Goblin Armorer Artificer. Players have until Monday, September 5th at 12PM PDT to complete their event unlocks and objectives.

    I. New Champion: Dob

    Dungeons & Dragons Dob Key Art

      Dob never knew his parents. When he fell ill as a baby, his sister Suzette searched far and wide for a cure. She successfully saved his life, but on the last of her trips out to find medicine, Suzette never returned. So Dob became a self-taught traveling bard, sleeping under the stars and roaming town to town in search of his lost sister. This brought him into contact with the Oxventurers, with whom he shares in many bizarre adventures, including one that did indeed see him reuniting at last with his long-lost sister!

    Dob is a Support and Gold Find Champion, increasing the damage of Champions not next to him while boosting gold find based on how many Champions are adjacent. He has the unfortunate habit of dumping all that hard-found gold into a nearby lake to keep it safe, but he'll make sure to make it up to the formation! For more information on Dob and his abilities, check out his Champion Spotlight!

    Year Five Variants

    • Half-Orc's Charm - Dob starts in the formation, and can't be moved or removed. Champions next to Dob deal no damage.
    • Complete Area 75.

    • Making Friends - Dob starts in the formation, and can be moved but not removed. Only Champions with a Charisma and/or Dexterity of 17+ may be used.
    • Reach Area 125.

    • Skeletons! (on Strike) - Dob starts in the formation, and ce can be moved, but not removed. His Ultimate starts unlocked and its cooldown duration is half as long. Each wave spawns a relentless Striking Skeleton, who is slow, but deal 400% damage. In addition, if they are defeated, they respawn in the same location after 5 seconds.
    • Reach Area 175.

    See the in-game FAQ for more information!

    August 19th, 2022
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Dob 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    This relentlessly upbeat bard is happy to help wherever he can, and never lets a little thing like 'not having a plan' stand in the way of action!

    Dob is a traveling entertainer, busking from town to town looking for his lost sister. His travels have lead him to the Oxventurers Guild, and he now joins fellow members Merilwen, Rust on the Harbour, Corazón and Prudence in the Idle Champions roster during Brightswords 5.

    I. Dob

    Dungeons & Dragons Dob Key Art
      Dob never knew his parents. When he fell ill as a baby, his sister Suzette searched far and wide for a cure. She successfully saved his life, but on the last of her trips out to find medicine, Suzette never returned. So Dob became a self-taught traveling bard, sleeping under the stars and roaming town to town in search of his lost sister. This brought him into contact with the Oxventurers, with whom he shares in many bizarre adventures, including one that did indeed see him reuniting at last with his long-lost sister!

    Dob is a Support and Gold Find Champion, increasing the damage of Champions not next to him while boosting gold find based on how many Champions are adjacent. He has the unfortunate habit of dumping all that hard-found gold into a nearby lake to keep it safe, but he'll make sure to make it up to the formation! He can be added to the formation by swapping him out with Arkhan (Slot 12).

    II. Dob's Stats

    Race: Half-Orc Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Class: Bard Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him
    Age: 28
    Affiliation: Oxventurers Guild

    STR: 12 DEX: 18 CON: 17
    INT: 13 WIS: 14 CHA: 18

    Role: Support, Gold Find
    Eligible for Patrons: Mirt, Vajra, Strahd, Zariel
    Slot: 12 (Arkhan)

    III. Dob's Design

    Dungeons & Dragons Dob

    Most of our community will know Luke Westaway from his work on Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra, but he's also the designer behind the sci-fi racing tabletop RPG Gravity RIP. As an accomplished singer/songwriter, it's no surprise he crafted the Half-Orc Bard from the Oxventurers crew. It is a pleasure to work with Luke and have Dob play his hard-rocking lute in our game!

    Dob is an energetic music-maker who is enthusiastic about helping his friends fight enemies and keep their earnings safe. This Traveling Entertainer inspires anyone not next to him to be more powerful. If he needs to leap into the action himself, he can cause a Thunderwave by playing a chord on his Lute. Dob also makes sure to keep Busking to increase the formation's gold find, but heavy purses make him nervous. There's a chance he'll run off with the team's money, using his Offshore Accounting to stash the cash in a lake. When he returns from that deposit, he'll make up for it by increasing his damage and gold find bonuses.

    As an accomplished and charismatic bard, Dob gets along with a wide variety of people! Depending on who he's hanging out with, he'll increase the Traveling Entertainer attack bonus. Befriend the Magical will focus on Oxventurers Champions or Champions with a magical base attack, Befriend the Friendly is all about those with a high Charisma or Oxventurers Champions, Befriend the Quick focuses on Dexterous or Oxventurers Champions, or if there's a lot of unique races in the formation he can just Befriend Everybody! When things look dire, Dob raises Ethelfrith's Hammer into the air to unleash a horde of skeletons on his enemies, pushing them back behind a wall, and boosting the power of all evil Champions!

    IV. Dob's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    • Thunderwave - Dob leaps out to the closest enemy and plays a chord on his Lute that sends out a magical blast of thunder and lightning, dealing 1 hit to all enemies in the area and pushing them back a short distance.

    Formation Abilities

    • Traveling Entertainer - Dob increases the damage of all Champions NOT next to him by 400%.
    • Busking - Dob increases global gold find by 30% for each Champion next to him, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Offshore Accounting - At the transition to each new area, there is a 25% chance that Dob runs off with a wheelbarrow of money, setting the Champion's gold amount to zero as he dumps all the Champions' money into a lake. He gains Deposit stacks equal to the exponent of the lost gold. Dob increases both the damage increase of Traveling Entertainer and the gold find bonus of Busking by 10% for each Deposit stack, stacking additively and applied multiplicatively.


    • Befriend the Magical - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each Oxventurers Champion or Champion with a magical base attack, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
    • Befriend the Friendly - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each Oxventurers Champion or Champion with a Charisma of 17 or higher, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
    • Befriend the Quick - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each Oxventurers Champion or Champion with a Dexterity of 17 or higher, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.
    • Befriend Everybody! - Dob increases the attack bonus of Traveling Entertainer by +100% for each unique race in the formation, stacking multiplicatively and applied multiplicatively.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Ethelfrith's Hammer - Dob raises Ethelfrith's hammer into the air, causing 60 skeletons and one flameskull burst out of the ground. The flameskull oversees the skeletons building a wall of stone, and any enemies in the area where the wall is being built take ultimate damage and are pushed back by the skeletons behind the wall. The wall lasts for 20 seconds and for that time enemies cannot pass it. While the wall is present, Evil Champions deal +1000% damage for reasons best left unsaid.

    V. Dob's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: Gold Find Increase
    Slot 3: Traveling Entertainer
    Slot 4: Befriend
    Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    We're excited to listen to Dob busk his way through our adventures, and hope you're just as happy to see him join his friends in the Oxventurers crew! Tell us all about how much you are enjoying having Dob in your formations on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

    August 10th, 2022
    Idle Champions: Ahghairon's Day 5 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    It's the day before Shieldmeet and the Open Lord of Waterdeep has gone missing. Nobody has seen Laeral Silverhand in days and it is imperative that she be found before the meeting with the Masked Lords begins.

    At the behest of the Blackstaff, the Champions are sent to discover what happened...

    Ahghairon's Day 5 introduces and brings back Prudence, the Chaotic Evil Tiefling Warlock of the Oxventurer's Guild, and Omin Dran, CEO and founder of Acquisitions Incorporated. Players have until Monday, August 22nd at 12PM PDT to complete their event unlocks and objectives.

    I. New Champion: Voronika

    Dungeons & Dragons Voronika Key Art
      This young Eladrin woman was raised to be the Queen of Koshmarr. What was meant to be an idyllic life took a dark turn when she was killed on the night of her wedding. But Voronika didn't let death stop her, even as she was pulled into the machinations of greater powers. Using her excellent intelligence and observational skills, as well as a lot of cunning and manipulation, she used the crown of the Raven Queen to defeat Zybilna and cause the fall of Prismeer. This action drew the mists to Voronika, and she became the new Darklord of her domain of Koshmarr.

    Voronika is a Support Champion that allies with evil Champions and members of the Black Dice Society. With help from her Inner Circle Champion, she ultimately must complete three goals to claim the Crown of the Raven Queen and transform into a Darklord. For more information on Voronika and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Five Variants

    • The Fringe of Society - Help Laeral Silverhand track down a retired Open Lord with limits on which Champions can deal damage.
      Voronika starts in your formation, and only Black Dice Affiliation members and Evil Champions can deal damage.
      Reach Area 75.

    • Ultimate Challenge - The search for the Open Lord continues by relying on Ultimate powers!
      Voronika starts in your formation, and Champions deal no damage unless at lease one Ultimate is on cooldown.
      Reach Area 125.

    • In Search of Power - A royal escort joins the search for the Open Lord!
      Voronika starts in your formation, and her base level-up cost is greatly reduced. She's joined by two Eladrin bodyguards, and additional Orc Fighters attack with each wave.
      Reach Area 175.

    See the in-game FAQ for more information!

    June 8th, 2022
    Idle Champions: Dragondown 5 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    At the mouth of the River Mirar in the northwest of the Sword Coast lies the port city of Luskan, also known as the City of Sails. Officially governed by the five High Captains, Luskan is actually secretly run by Jarlaxle Baenre and the Bregan D'aerthe.

    And they need your help.

    While celebrating the Summer Solstice with a smaller scale version of Waterdeep's Dragondown festival, Luskan has managed to draw the attention - and the wrath - of a Bronze Dragon and their kin...

    Dragondown 5 introduces Merilwen, the Wood Elf Ranger from Oxventurers Guild, and brings back Selise Astorio, Human Paladin of the Rivals of Waterdeep, and Nova, the knowledge-hungry Genasi Warlock from High Rollers: Aerois. Players have until Monday, June 20th at 12PM Pacific to complete their Dragondown 5 unlocks and objectives.

    I. Merilwen

    Dungeons & Dragons Merilwen

      Merilwen is at home in nature, happy to speak with animals or plants at the first opportunity. She's always ready to pull out her trusty bow, or turn into a cat, to get out of many tough situations. With a fierce loyalty to her friends, and to nature itself, she'll call upon the moon to deal with anyone who gets on her bad side. And if you're really unlucky, you might stumble into Merilwen's Meatgrinder. Spoilers: it's a very bad time.

    Merilwen is a Support and Gold Find Champion who increases the damage of all Neutral Champions, and when she transforms into a cat, she increases the attack rate of adjacent Champions. Her gold find and ultimate are both improved when she is combined with other members of the Oxventurers affiliation. She can be added to the formation by swapping her out with Celeste (Slot 2).

    For more information on Merilwen and her abilities, check out her Champion Spotlight!

    Year Five Variants

    • A Neutral Position - Merilwen starts in the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Only Neutral Champions (on the Good/Evil axis) can deal damage.
        Getting to Know Merilwen: Merilwen increases the damage of Neutral champions. Use a Neutral DPS Champion to make the most of this!
      • Reach Area 75.
    • Cat Nap - Merilwen starts in the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Champions' normal attack cooldowns are increased by 3 seconds. Merilwen's Wild Shape ability starts out unlocked and has a +300% bonus to attack speed cooldowns.
        Getting to Know Merilwen: Merilwen's cat form makes nearby Champions attack faster. Use this to your advantage!
      • Reach Area 125.
    • Loyal Friends - Merilwen starts in the formation and can be moved, but not removed. Her Ultimate starts unlocked and its cooldown takes half as long. Only Champions with an Affiliation can be used, and Oxventurers Guild Champions do 400% more damage.
        Getting to Know Merilwen: Merilwen's ultimate grows stronger with other Oxventurers Guild Champions. Try it out if you have already unlocked some of them
      • Reach Area 175.
    June 3rd, 2022
    Idle Champion Spotlight: Merilwen 
    Posted in Idle Champions.

    This is the tail of a druid who might look cute, but when her friends are in danger there's no kitten around! She's a fur-midable opponent who can cause a cat-astrophe to her enemies!

    Merilwen is a Wood Elf druid with a penchant for puns and a love of all things nature! She joins her fellow Oxventure Guild members Rust on the Harbour, Corazón and Prudence in the Idle Champions roster during Dragondown 5.

    I. Merilwen

    Dungeons & Dragons Merilwen

      Merilwen is at home in nature, happy to speak with animals or plants at the first opportunity. She's always ready to pull out her trusty bow, or turn into a cat, to get out of many tough situations. With a fierce loyalty to her friends, and to nature itself, she'll call upon the moon to deal with anyone who gets on her bad side. And if you're really unlucky, you might stumble into Merilwen's Meatgrinder. Spoilers: it's a very bad time.

    Merilwen is a Support and Gold Find Champion who increases the damage of all Neutral Champions, and when she transforms into a cat, she increases the attack rate of adjacent Champions. Her gold find and ultimate are both improved when she is combined with other members of the Oxventurers affiliation. She can be added to the formation by swapping her out with Celeste (Slot 2).

    II. Merilwen's Stats

    Race: Elf (Wood) Alignment: True Neutral
    Class: Druid (Circle of the Moon) Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her
    Age: 101
    Affiliation: Oxventurers Guild

    STR: 12 DEX: 17 CON: 15
    INT: 14 WIS: 20 CHA: 11

    Role: Support, Gold Find
    Eligible for Patrons: Vajra and Strahd
    Slot: 2 (Celeste)

    Dungeons & Dragons Merilwen Key Art

    III. Merilwen's Design

    It was delightful to work with Ellen Rose on the design Merilwen, and bring this nature loving fan of puns to Idle Champions! Merilwen is our fourth Champion from the Oxventure crew from Outside Xbox and Outside Xtra, so it was especially fun to dig into the ways she could interact with the other Oxventurer's Guild members.

    Merilwen is fiercely loyal to her friends, and to nature itself, which she demonstrates in all the ways she supports the formation. She prefers A Neutral Party, not those who lean good or evil, so she increases the damage of all Neutral Champions. While in her elf form, Merilwen will hurl Punishing Puns at enemies to increase the damage A Neutral Party can do, and will attack enemies with a magical Poison Spray. But she can also stop attacking and Wild Shape into a cat, using her Distracting Cuteness to inspire those adjacent to her to attack faster. And the more Oxventurers Guild Champions that have joined her in the formation, the more Liquidity she'll have to increase everyone's gold find.

    Merilwen's Specializations encourages her to pick one thing to focus on. She can cause additional damage by making enemies Stink like Skunk, increases gold find because she Treasures her Friends, or further increases the rate of attacks of her adjacent allies in her Mew-will-wren form. All of this support is a huge help to the formation, but sometimes Merilwen wants to join the battle in epic fashion with Merilwen's Meat Grinder! This Ultimate Attack causes stone spikes to shoot out of the ground to cause massive damage, and if other Oxventurer's Guild members are part of the formation they'll help make her Ultimate even more deadly!

    IV. Merilwen's Abilities

    Basic Attack

    Merilwen has two attacks depending on if she's in cat or elf form:
    • Distracting Cuteness — Merilwen does not attack while in cat form.
    • Poison Spray — Merilwen attacks a random enemy with a magical spray of poison.

    Formation Abilities

    • A Neutral Party — Merilwen increases the damage of all Neutral (along the good/evil spectrum) Champions in the formation by 100%.
    • Liquidity — Increase gold find by +100% for each Oxventurers Guild Champion in the formation, stacking multiplicatively.
    • Wild Shape — At the start of each non-boss area, Merilwen takes on the form of a wild cat. She no longer makes normal attacks, but the attack speed cooldown of every adjacent Champion is reduced by 0.5 seconds. If there are ever 15 or more enemies on the screen, Merilwen transforms back to her normal form and starts attacking until the party switches areas.
    • Punishing Puns — While in her elf form, Merilwen boosts A Neutral Party by +100% for each enemy, stacking additively.


    • Stink Like Skunk — Merilwen's normal attack makes hit enemies stink like skunk, taking extra damage every second for 5 seconds.
    • Treasures her Friends — Merilwen gains an Encouragement stack each second that an enemy is not defeated. For each Encouragement stack, the gold find of Liquidity is increased by +100%, stacking additively. When an enemy is defeated or the party changes areas, the stacks are reset to 0.
    • Meow-il-wen — Merilwen's Wild Shape attack speed cooldown reduction is increased by 1 second and persists when she is in her elf form.

    Ultimate Ability

    • Merilwen's Meat Grinder — Stone spikes come out of the ground with a 30 second duration. Enemies in the area take massive damage over time while in the area. Secondary effects are triggered based on if other Oxventurer's Guild members are part of the formation:
      • Corazón: Enemies affected by Grease in the spike area take +200% damage from all sources.
      • Prudence: Prudence's glee stacks are set to maximum.
      • Rust: Gold find is increased by +1000% for 30 seconds.

    V. Merilwen's Epic Equipment

    Slot 1: Global DPS
    Slot 2: A Neutral Party
    Slot 3: Liquidity
    Slot 4: Punishing Puns
    Slot 5: Ultimate Damage
    Slot 6: Ultimate Cooldown

    VI. Conclusion

    Whether grinding enemies to mulch or inspiring allies as a cat, Merilwen has plenty of powers that we're excited to see her deploy! Tell us all about how much you are enjoying having Merilwen in your formations on the Idle Champions Subreddit, on the Steam forums, or on the Official Idle Champions Discord!

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