Note: You will need to complete the Grand Tour Adventures Tower on the Lake and Seeds of Deceit in order to access these new adventures.
Flies on the Wall
The Champions have saved the winery, but now they've become lost in the wilderness. Luckily, the Dusk Elf Kasimir is willing to help.- Variant: The Killer Mists — While in Barovia's misty areas Champions take damage over time. Damage is based on Champion's constitution (CON) score, with lower CON Champions taking increased damage.
Backtracking through Barovia
One ally is dead, another has been taken, and the Champions are on the wrong side of Barovia. It's time to head to Castle Ravenloft and face down Strahd von Zarovich.- Variant: Diversity Day-Trip — Only a single member of each Champion race is allowed in the formation at a time.
See the in-game Change Log for more information!