In the Forgotten Realms, Grand Revel is a day of dancing, music, and the eating of sweet treats of all sorts, from chocolate to red "firemint" candies. But even during such an unparalleled day of joy there are quests to be done and adventures to be had. One such adventure revolves around a missing caravan on Chult – and the Templar of the Order of the Gauntlet who desperately wants it found...
Grand Revel is our seventh limited-time event for Idle Champions, which starts today and lasts until Tuesday, February 27th, 2018, and introduces Birdsong, the Tabaxi Bard!
New Champion: Birdsong
Birdsong, a cunning young Tabaxi bard, learned to defend herself while enslaved by the Yuan-ti. Proficient in playing the lute, Birdsong discovered her potential as a bard when witnessing the effect her songs had on other slaves. After her escape, she became one of the greatest minstrels of Chult. She promised herself to, one day, get revenge on the Yuan-ti who destroyed her village.
When you want to add Birdsong to your party, you can swap her with Makos or Drizzt.
Grand Revel Variants
- Three's a Crowd — Any Champion that is adjacent to more than 1 other Champion has their damage reduced to 0.
- Pair Up — Your ratio of women to men in your formation cannot be off by more than one (at all times you must have an equal number of men and women, or 1 more man than woman or vise-versa).
- Love Potion — Every 25 areas, two Champions drink a love potion and fall deeply in love. For those 25 areas, if those Champions are adjacent to each other in the formation they do bonus damage themselves (x4), and buff global damage as well (x3). The chosen Champion combos are fixed rather than random.
- Added the Grand Revel event, our seventh limited-time campaign event! The event will run until Tuesday, February 27th at noon PST.
- Added a new Champion: Birdsong, the Tabaxi Bard.
- Added a new event Divine Favor: Sune's Favor.
See the in-game FAQ for more information!