Welcome Back, Extra Life!
For those who may not know, Extra Life is a wonderful program set up to raise donations for Children's Miracle Network hospitals. The money raised is donated as unrestricted funds for hospitals to use as needed. But the best part? We can help by doing what we love to do: gaming!
For more information about the Extra Life program, check out their FAQ.
What's the Plan for 2021?
We're hoping to do better in 2021!
This year we are delighted to bring back our 24-hour ExtraLife Stream. Starting at 9 AM Pacific Time (PT) on Friday, November 19th until 9 AM PT on Saturday, November 20th, we are excited to offer a jam-packed schedule of game programming. We've got shows based on Dungeons & Dragons, Dark Souls Speedruns, Beat Saber, Dalgona Challenge, Phasmaphobia, and much more. We will have both virtual and CNE HQ-based streams, and you can check out our full streaming schedule on the Codename Entertainment Extra Life Page. You can also donate in-game by purchasing our Extra Life 2021 DLC packs, or directly through the Extra Life pages for any of our currently-supported games. Check out the individual game pages for more details!

Also, you can check out the Codename Entertainment Extra Life page here.